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„Mom, I don’t want to go back to my old school!“

„Why not, honey? You had so many friends! They’ll be happy to have you back!“

„Yeah, sure.“ I mumbled with a bitter tone in my voice, knowing exactly it would be the opposite. I knew some people here and there but none of them were really my friends.

„Ashton will be there with you, you guys can do everything together!“ She tried to argue.

„Mom! Ash is on year older than me! We won’t have any classes together!“

„You can do it, I know it, honey! Be strong!“ She called and practically shoved me out of her car. Ashton, who had been in the back of the car the whole time, got out behind me, waved at my mom and urned around. With one look at the building in front of us he asked: „Is it that horrible here?“

„I don’t know. But if the people are the same, it’s gonna be horrible for me. you on the other hand might have a really nice life here. Just be exactly the way you are…how you are with me. We could try and meet up for lunch and talk. What do you think?“

„Sounds good, Alex. Love you.“

„Love you too, Ash, love you too.“ I replied and hugged my step brother. Together we walked to the office. 

„Hi, my name’s Alex Clyde and that’s my brother Ashton Irwin, we are new-“ I began to say. but the young secretary interrupted.

„Oh, yes! You’ve moved here from London! Doesn’t it rain over there like all the time? Relax, it doesn’t rain here very often.“ She rambled without even catching a breath until I cleared my throat and smiled: „Actually we just need our schedules.“

„OH! Yeah, sure! Im sorry! I’m just doing this job temporarily but it’s not my best work. Well, here are your schedules and a room plan.“

I took the sheets from the counter even thought I knew I wouldn’t need the latter. I still knew my way around here. „Thanks, goodbye!“ I said to the young woman behind the counter, smiled and closed the door behind Ashton and me. As soon as the door was closed, I punched my brother.

„OW! what the hell?!“

„You didn’t even say anything! You won’t make any new friends here like that!“

„I don’t need new friends, I have friends.“

„I know, me too. My friends are in England too. But that’s were they are and where they’ll stay. But we won’t go back there.“

„No, we won’t.“ Ashton agreed with me and I was able to see  he had flashbacks of our time in England. I pulled him into a hug and tried to soothe him.

„I’m sorry Ash. I didn’t mean to upset you. But you have to speak more.“

„I know. I will.“ Ashton pulled away from our hug and smiled small. „Thanks Alex, for everything. You’re the best sister anyone could wish for.“

„Haha thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.“

Afterwards we separated and my day was pretty boring. I stumbled upon 15 girls, whom I’ve known in 5th grade and talked to them. Besides them I also met Lindsay, a girl I knew from 5th grade as well. Different was just our hatred for each other. I learned that she was the school’s slut - on this first day I had seen her disappear to the toilets with three different guys. I also learned not to use the toilets, only in cases of absolute emergency. 

Ashton seemed to have had a pretty good day as he was continuously talking and cracking jokes. something he didn’t do in a very long time. In the evening we went to dinner with my Mom and we talked about literally everything - just not Steven, Ashtons Dad. Just like in the last seven months.

hi my lovely readers (are there even any? 🙈)!

I'd very much appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or a vote! Just so I can see how many people are reading this! Oh, and please don't be shy and point out mistakes! As I said I'm from Germany and my English is not perfect. Thank you!

love, Becks xx

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