Chapter 1: The was the first day

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The first time I lay my eyes on him, he's on the stage, while the band's playing and the red-haired girl is singing. I don't really know if anyone's paying attention to the girl or the band -because everyone's kind of drunk at this stage-, but at the same time I think they are... at least, they're dancing along with the music... or well, just jumping and screaming.

The club is full of people. Young people, some of them older than twenty-something, or maybe thirty, but not more than that. I'm not old enough to be in here, by the way, but I happen to know the owner's brother -he's one of those idiot boys I use to hang out with. Boys and girls who sort of had the same upbringing as I had, whose parents know mine, so... you know, I've known them all my life. I may hate them now, but I've known them forever.

And so, because of them, I find myself here, at a club I cannot legally get in but I did anyway, watching the pretty red-haired singing out loud while jumping back and forth in a little blue dress that could only fit someone as beautiful as her.

She sings beautifully, and the band plays great. There are four of them -including her- on the stage, and even if I don't know what they're playing, or who they are, I enjoy it. It's fun, jumping around, trying to sing the lyrics to a song I've never heard before... and the experience of being a literal kid in a club full of adults just enriches it, somehow. It's the rebel side of the whole experience that makes it all better, to be honest... I don't know why, but it just does... it always does.

Suddenly, someone else is on the stage. I don't know how he appeared, but I swear he wasn't there before. He's walking towards the singer, smiling and laughing, while she's trying to keep on with the song. I look around me, just to see if anyone else is suddenly shocked by the unexpected presence of a random guy on the stage, but no one seems to notice... which is strange if you ask me, since it's pretty obvious... for anyone paying attention. Or sober. And I'm both since, A, I like this band even if I don't know who they are, and B, I hate drinking. I hate the taste of basically any alcoholic beverage, and I don't know if this is an age thing, or a taste thing, or both, but right now, I'm convinced there are only a few things that taste worse than vodka. Maybe beer does, but I can't get anything else on my list right now. Anyway, I can't keep my eyes off the stage... who is this guy?

The singer seems pretty drunk too, so I don't know if she realizes that he's there, just like I don't think anyone else in there can -but I do. And God, he doesn't look good. I guess he knows the band, and this is just a guess, but if he didn't, why would they allow him to be on stage? God, he looks awful... he acts awful, walking and jumping around, looking like he's gonna trip at any given second and just... well, knock his head against the floor. Would he get a concussion if he does that? If that happens? I have no idea, but I don't think it sounds good.

I turn around and try to find the group of assholes I came here with in the first place, but the closest I get is the friend of one of my friends, this tall, blonde guy named Chad, I think, whose arm I shake and in whose eyes I look when I ask the question.

There's no answer. No spoken one, at least, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know. He looks even drunker than this random guy on stage, and even if he knows him, I won't know, not now, at least.

I look back at the stage, and I do it the second things start flying at it. Coins, cups, some keys for some reason, even bras... and they're throwing them right at him. Whoever are the people doing this... they're disgusting. I look around at Chad or whatshisname, and I don't find him... alone. You see, he's there with the rest of them, these people who I hang out with but I don't really like, these people who I call friends although we're the furthest from that anyone can ever be, these people who just... are behaving more sickening than ever.

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