So we all know what a Pedo is right......
If you don't then you probably shouldn't be on Wattpad.
Anyways a paraphilia in which an adult desires or engages in sexual relations with a child; it may be either homosexual or heterosexual in nature. The adjective for that word is pedophil.
That's the meaning Google gave and it pretty much sums up what it is
But like imagine for a bit
A couple are together in there last year of high school. Everyone expecting to be the perfect couple with 3 kids and live in a mansion.
But all hell brakes loose when everyone finds out that one them turned 18 in September, while the other is going to turn 18 in June.
Question : Does that mean the perosn that turned 18 first is a pedo for a bit ?
Cuz according to law 17 and below is a child/minor.
Or it doesnt work that way?
Random questions and more
AléatoireI always have questions but not a lot of people can answer sooooooo I wanna see if anyone can answer my very very weird questions