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TW: descriptive Panic Attack

"Y/n?" Bucky spoke as he saw you crying. "Doll what's wrong?" he placed his hand on your back, causing you to scream loudly and move away from him.

"D-don't touch me! Please, don't touch me! Just let me go h-home,, please!" She backed up until her back hit the bathroom door.

Bucky's nostrils flared slightly. "Everything's alright, don't worry-" he said , you cutting him off.

"Fuck you!" Tears ran down your face, you quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Your heart pounded and your chest was tight, tears not being able to stop as you desperately tried to breathe.

"Y/n?" Bucky called softly, trying not to scare you from the Inevitable harm that was to come. "Baby please, we can work through this. But you got to come out."

He tried not to scare you, he could hear your ragged breaths from the other side of the door. Knowing what was happening, the same thing happening to him multiple times before, he tried to stay calm and not scare you anymore.

It felt like your chest was tightening and you couldn't get air in your lungs. The only thing you could hear was Bucky on the other side of the door. He sounded calm and caring, he didn't feel like the same man from this morning.

"Deep breaths, ok? Can you do that for me, doll?" The best thing was to listen to him, you took a deep and held it before letting it go, his super soldier hearing letting him know that you were doing it. "Your doing so good doll, can you please open the door?"

Reaching up slowly, you unlocked the door and turned the knob. Tears continued to fall as the assassin looked at you with a soft smile and wrapped his arms around you.

"Don't cry, I've got you." Bucky cooed, his arm wrapped tight around your waist as you squirmed. You punched his chest hard, causing him to grab your wrist. "Hey, hey! You're ok, I promise you're ok,"

He wiped the tears from your soaked cheeks, kissing each one as you sniffled. "Please," your voice was rough and you were tired. "I just want to go home, please," you closed your eyes and almost went limp in his arms.

"No, i've told you, this is your home." Bucky said lightly. You wanted to hit him, wrestle out of his iron grip, but you simply didn't have the energy. "You should take a nap, you're tired."

He picked you up bridal style and placed you in the big bed, pulling the white comforter over you. "I'll bring you some water, ok?"

 "I'll bring you some water, ok?"

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happy new year !!

!! This book is discontinued please stop asking me to update !!

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