the furry finds out pt 1/?

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Warning: Mention of fainting, mention of a male pregnancy, mention of black magic, mention of a spell, Fundy disliking Ghostbur, cussing/swearing.

POV: Ghostbur's

I looked around, waking up with a throbing headache. I whined a small bit before looking at my stomach, a small smile appearing onto my face as i looked down at the tiny bump.

POV: Fundy's

I start heading over to Ghostbur's house since he hadn't shown up at all today, when I knocked on his door to talk to him, him Glatt had answered the door instead. Obviously I asked why Ghostbur hadn't appeared, apparently Ghostbur had fainted hard and had gotten knocked in his head, against the door frame, while Glatt had tried to get him into his bedroom and to bed. Anyways, current time, I'm outside his door and about to open it when I heard Ghostbur saying something, out of curiosity I quietly and carefully opened the door and look in at Ghostbur as he smiled and placed a hand on his stomach,

"Do you know what might have happened, bud??" I tilted my head slightly, why was he talking to his own stomach??? I continued to watch, was he fucking hiding something??? He began giggling, keeping one hand on his belly while the other was over his mouth.

POV: Ghostbur's

I giggled softly as I was given a soft kick as a response. I'm truly glad I allowed a bit of black magic to have been used on me, I could possibly get my son, Fundy, a brother and be having a happy family once again. I smiled warmly and happily before a small yawn came up. I looked around in hopes of finding my phone, however, i spotted a grey-ish black paw rested on part of door...








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