what comes around goes around. 1/???

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i decided to do the brooke chapter sometime later and work on a story about pepper/skephalo. i hope you guys enjoy this crazy story. this story kinda intertwines with the skeppy angst chapters, so please understand that i hope you have read the skeppy angst chapters before reading this.

warnings: cussing, angsty as hell, sclatt just randomly appearing and being an asshole, and where skeppy is hiding reaveledonly to the readers since bad isn't going to find out but actually hear skeppy vomiting in a bathroom.

skeppy's POV

i could hear bad looking for me, but i just couldn't face him, not when he's mad at me. "Skeppy!?!? skeppy i'm sorry, please!!!!" i scooted back further in my hiding vent i saw a sillouette walking towards me. "well,..... this is just weird, even for you skeppy...." i recognized the voice and truely wished bad were to notice that goat brained villain standing in the hall and attack him. "what's wrong with you fake sneeze boy??? goat got your tongue???" i didn't want to look at sclatt, but that bastard pulled my face harshly so he could could get a better look at me. "seems you have a bit of an issue here skeppy-" "leave me alone you asshole..." i didn't care how toxic i sounded, i didn't care how rude i was being, sclatt had some nerve coming near me and bad..... but sclatt's response made my blood run cold. "and what can a forgotten pregnant diamond do to me???" sclatt quistioned while a smile formed on his lips as my eyes widened. "how-" "i have my ways fake sneezer, now get out of there aand come here." i only scooted further back, trying to get as far away  from that asshole of leader before he could touch me or my kid. "i wouldn't do that if i were you~~~" said in a sing-song voice. i expected him to come in the vent and crawl after me, but he just sat there smiling before something pushed me out of the vent and outside of it. "thank you, now i suggest you follow me or it will make you." i looked around wide eyed looking for what had somehow got me out of the vent without being detected and unnoticed. "skeppy.follow." again, i stayed still and that- what ever it was, somehow dragging me but 'it' was what i think was someone who worked for sclatt and had drank an invisibility so they could drag me out of the vent and make me do what sclatt wanted. i had expected sclatt was using me for a stupid evil plan to over throw dream,..... but instead he kept me in a closet he had claimed was locked and told me he would come back for me after he got bad of of my trail. i guess he thought i was an idiot and would just sit down and stay, but i had decided to try and break down the door and nearly broke my arm and/or skull in beacause the door WAS UNLOCKED THE WHOLE DAMN TIME!!!!! 'Note to self, check if the door is locked before trying to break it down.....'

Sorry i didn't finish it here and now, next page is a different ship and a mix between photos and words. I hope you guys enjoyed this crazyness, stay safe, stay healthy and stay paw-some, bye my colorful wolves~~~~~~!!!!!!!

Word count: 583 words today/tonight/this evening/this afternoon!!♣️

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