the ocean called life.....

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Warning: growing up, reminiscing on the past, and slight lack of context.

POV: ■■■■■

She sighed as she finished packing up her stuff, all her old drawings, her old toys, and many other things were packed up intboxes. She looked around at the now vacant room, all that was left in it was a bed She once slept on and once was covered in toys, pillows, and blankets. Now all it was was an empty mattress on a wooden frame.

She looked out her window and looked at the small garden, if you could even call the dead plant filled area that, she and her family had worked hard to make, her gaze soon wandered to the fence, she emembered how she used to use her scooter to ride around the area and play within this neighborhood, she remembered how the dogs of the neighborhood would holler when she and her siblings would go out and play in the yard, she remembered how she used to cut down the trees in the yard and use them for the fire pit and how she loved to watch the flames dance.

She gently hugged herself as she kept looking out at the side-yard, she was for certain gonna miss this place. If only she could just stay a child, to stay here and be a little kid forever and never have to grow up.


If only.......

If only she could just-

"JAZMIN!!!! SWEETIE!!!! WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?????" She snapped out of her trance and looked at the doorway, her voice caught I'm her throat for a few before she loudly replied back "SORRY, JUST GOT A LITTLE SIDE TRACKED!!!!!!!" She sighed once more, wow, she really did sigh alot, huh???? She looked down at her phone, looking at an old app, at an old chat, an old world she loved and still loves to this day.

She took a deep breathe and picked up as many of the boxes as she could before heading out the door and towards the front door.






I'm not ready to the fuck grow up yet.

She woke up with a jolt and instantly checked her phone like always and sighed at the date, a gentle smile spread upon her lips as she opened up Discord and quickly went to a paradise-like chat and quickly checked that the dream she had was just that, a dream, she let out a relieved exhale as she saw her group of online companions.I.......

She quickly sent in a message as a nice start to the day...........

She quickly sent in a message as a nice start to the day

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