chapter 3 1/???

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I chose to add on to this since my motivation is being a real pain in the butt.🐶🐺🦊

Warnings: Unsympathetic roman, mention of transgender remus, mention of male pregnancies, hostile roman, Unsympathetic logan, sympathetic janus, sympathetic patton, sympathetic remus, sympathetic virgil, blood.

Janus was cleaning up remus's closet, when a little girl came into the closet, walked up to the snake trait and pulled on his pant leg. "Hmm?? Oh, hi bee, what do you need??" The small girl didn't answer him, but instead she just grabby hands at janus. "You want to be picked up??" Janus said through some laughter. The small girl nodded, making her white clump of hair that was almost her whole bangs and showing her scales. The small girl was wearing a navy blue and diamond teal dress and a small green bow with a black skull in the middle of it. "Alright then, belle." Janus picked the young girl up and hugged her. Janus knew more about her than anyone, including patton!! She was janus and remus's youngest, and she was also the most skittish out of her and her siblings. Bellatrix was a 6 year-old hybrid who had very many fears. But her biggest fear was her uncle roman. Janus started to sing, causing the small kid to nuzzle into janus's chest. Bee loved the sound her parents' voices, she enjoyed janus's voice the most though. Once janus had finished belle looked up at him with her green and red eyes "did you enjoy it??" Bee gave a small giggle and hugged janus's neck. "Seems like you did princess." Janus chuckled at the small girl who was smiling her usual small fang-filled smile. "Let's go see remus okay???" Belle climbed onto janus's back and relying on his cape to keep self from falling off, Janus chuckled at the small hybrid before helping her get on janus's head. Belle was a runt when it came to her family, her cousin, laura, was taller than the small-scaley ball of floof. sometimes people question her hight and her parents, mainly remus, would have to explain her being born a runty beta with only two other betas in her family, her uncle roman and older brother trickle.

I will make a part 2 soon, but until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and i hope you guys enjoyed, bye my colorful wolves~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

Word count: 405 words😋

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