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Elliott: Why do I feel the need to ask why I'm the only one who's aware of you?

For reasons I've erased out of your mind.

Elliott: You're weird. Also you don't help the story progress at all...what did I just say?!

Don't worry this will be over soon. Cutting the story from 30 to 15 chapters will really be convenient for my evil plans.

Elliott: Am I the only one who's aware of you?

For now.

You: Hey, baby!

Elliott: Hi, Y/N!

You: So I just surprised Jared with his phone! Aren't we so adept at parenting?

Elliott: I told you he doesn't like surprises.

You: He doesn't like suddenness, it's not the same thing, he just doesn't have the best vocabulary but luckily I distincted it.

And here is why you're the main character now...so people can see how annoying nameless here is when you don't follow him around.

Elliott: Could you stop being so rude to the love of my life?

You: Why am I getting déja-vu? Probably cause I'm such a weird person.

Elliott: Where's the gang?

You: Getting their stuff so they can move in, including Lachlan. Ok, let's go back to school shopping.

Elliott: Hold on a minute, we can't leave the kids home!

You: Don't worry, I gave Lannan the key to the house and he should be here any minute now to take care of them. I'm not reckless, babe. Though, I have been feeling...sexless.

Elliott: Seriously?

You: Not now but I'm just reminding you I have needs.

Elliott: Why do so many things have to happen at once?


You: Story of our lives.

Elliott: Yeah that checks out.

You: Ok let's go.

And once they returned the chaos started.

First and foremost:

Kath was choking Marcus with the necklace he gave her a few years before the whole cheating scandal.

The silly second was Lannan trying to emulate Clarissa's dances to no avail.

The third turd was Lachlan clutching his head and screaming a lot.

The fourth course of action was Jared kicking Cray in the nuts.

You: That's it. Enough! Stop it.

Elliott: CUT IT OUT! ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT! THIS IS A GODDAMN LIVING ROOM NOT A BOXING RING! Clarissa please go to your room. Not you, Jared. Kath, we all understand your anger at Marcus but it's been years you can't just try to murder him! Jared why did you kick Nate in the balls?

Jared: Cause he was bothering me.

You: Elliott, let me try to talk to him.

Elliott: I've got this babe. Just because you can psychoanalyse him doesn't mean you can parent him. Jared you have to use your words. Why did you kick him?

Jared: He was talking about him and Bazza...so I kicked him.

Elliott: I'm confused.

You: He's doing the homophobic thing.

Elliott: We'll talk about this later. Lachy are you okay?

Lachlan: I'm fine. They happen every once in a while but ny doctor's trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

It's much harder to get the awareness out when he has had it for so long and is out of sight most of the story. My fault for making it this way. What can I say this was my first magical universe I wasn't an expert.

Elliott: Everyone start unpacking we have a pretty busy week ahead of us.

You: And it just got busier. Look at this.

Right I forgot to mention the final fifth:

*Clarissa doing a dance*

Caption: My new house is great for dancing! #fyp #adopted #love #family

Likes: 4.3 million

Comments: 26,890

LOV-POV:What a great aesthetic! 678❤

Gaymer#69: That room looks familiar. I'm sure the other  25K comments will tell you why.

DramaMama: Do NOT tell me Orphan Girl got adopted by our favourite YouTube couple. 14.5K ❤

Oreos.yum: Is that another kid in the background? Did Elliott and Y/N adopt 2 kids?! 32.4K ❤

Algebruh: Great, more breach of privacy of famous people and their children...yay. 17.6K ❤

Elliott: Does it even matter? This isn't the first time. Oh shit, Jared.


692 words.

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