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Exhausted after his workout, Seonghwa flopped down onto the couch. He almost didn't realise when his roommate walked in.

'Hyung, you're acting weird. What's wrong?'

Startled, Seonghwa looked up to see Wooyoung glide across the small living room and sit on the edge of the tv cabinet - just like Seonghwa had told him a million times not to do.

'Nothing. Get off the cabinet will you? You're gunna knock the tv onto the ground.'

'Pfttt. Hyung I always sit here, and never once has it fallen'

Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

'Why aren't you at work? I thought you got that promotion you've been on about for years.'

Seonghwa heaved a heavy sigh. 'I was told to go home.'

'Woa! Lit workplace. Can you get me a job?'

'Ya,' Seonghwa snapped, rolling his eyes; not in the mood for Wooyoung's teasing.

'Okay, so you got the promotion. A, why were you told to go home? And B, if you still have a job, then why do you look like such a sour baby?'

Glaring, Seonghwa rested his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. 'I'm home, because my new boss told me that apparently, my job is actually not here... I'm flying to China on Monday.'

An ear piercing squeal that escaped Wooyoung's mouth snapped Seonghwa's eyes open, his high pitched voice ringing in his ears. But Wooyoung ignored this, carrying on with his excitement. 'Woa! That's so cool! So you're going with your new boss?! Who are they?!'

Seonghwa sighed, shrugging. 'I don't know. Some cocky guy. Kang something I think he said.'

Wooyoung wolf whistled. 'Spicy. I've always liked that name. Is he hot?'

'Wooyoung, do you ever think about anything other than sex? Stop being gross.'

'That wasn't me being gross! That was me simply asking a question. Jesus, Hwa, calm down.'

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. 'Whatever.'

'Anyways. Where in China are you going? San is travelling back to Pudong at the end of next week for work, and he bought a ticket for me to come with.'

Seonghwa choked. 'Woa, Woo... You're going to China, with San?'

The blonde shrugged. 'Yeah, why?'

'Oh, well... You guys must be pretty close... China... Jesus.'

'Well, we sleep together, so like, yeah, we're close.'

Seonghwa swallowed uncomfortably. 'Ahh... So are you two official now?'

Wooyoung looked down, disappointment obvious in his expression. It made Seonghwa feel bad for him. 'No...'

Seonghwa almost regretted asking. 'How long is his business trip this time?'

'Just over a month.'

Seonghwa's eyes widened. 'A month?! Are you staying with him the whole time?'

'Yup. His accomodation allowed it so yeah.'

'Do you even speak Chinese?'

Wooyoung laughed. 'Not really. But like, yolo?'

Seonghwa didn't even know what to say. What was there that he could say? His roommate had been fooling around with the business guru for almost a year now - three years if you counted the on and off phases separated by long periods of not seeing each other at all - and although Seonghwa didn't understand what the allure was to following around a rich and flaky businessman - or men in general, for that matter -, he couldn't miss that Wooyoung was obviously hoarding around a deep seeded set of feelings, far more profound then he was letting on.

Seonghwa was sure if Wooyoung really did want to find some man to treat him to a nice life, he would have better luck hanging around a hospital or law firm or some place that attracted equally as educated and bank-happy people. Wooyoung sure didn't seem to have any problems finding random guys to bring home at least once a week, so Seonghwa figured the blonde must have some kind of allure that seduced guys inclined that way. Even despite him being interested in no one else but San...

'You have a weird look on your face. What are you thinking about?' Wooyoung asked suspiciously, frowning at him.

Feeling his cheeks burn a little, Seonghwa shook all thoughts of wondering whether men found his roommate attractive or not from his mind. 'Nothing I ever want to think about again. I'm sweaty. I'm going for a shower and packing.'

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, leaning back on the tv cabinet and making Seonghwa's heart leap into his throat with worry for the tv... 'You're such a man. It's gross.'

Seonghwa glared at him. 'I thought you liked men. What makes me, gross.' He hasn't meant it as a question. He wasn't interested in what men thought of him.

But Wooyoung poked his tongue into his plump lips, those catlike eyes considering him. 'You're too abrupt. You remind me of a caveman. Sweaty. Shower, pack.' He imitated his voice, making it as low as he could as he pretended to be a monkey.

Seonghwa glared daggers at him. 'I'm not like that, not that I care.'

And with that, Seonghwa's thighs screamed as he stood and wandered away, not paying attention to a single thing his roommate called after him, nor the giggle that followed.


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