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Seonghwa held the door open for Yeosang as they made their way into the Seoul restaurant. Having caught the train into the city during the day, Seonghwa had spent most of the afternoon assuring Yeosang that it was okay for him to stay with him at his flat.

But as the clock struck seven pm, the two had made their way into the city, for a preliminary dinner, of sorts.

And the restaurant was busy.

Making their way towards the back where a table had been reserved, to Seonghwa's surprise, Jongho and Yunho were already seated, as was a tall, dark haired male sitting beside Yunho.

And everyone at the table stood politely as Yeosang and Seonghwa arrived.

'You made it!' Jongho exhaled, excited as per usual. 'We were wondering whether you would come,' he admitted.

And as Seonghwa allowed Yeosang to sit before himself, the blonde's charismatic charm seemed to turn on like a light switch. 'Why, the traffic was atrocious. We stared at it the entire walk.'

Sitting comfortably, Yunho suddenly lent forward, putting a hand on the shoulder of the male beside him. 'Jongho has already met him, but this is Mingi, my partner.'

Seonghwa's eyes widened in surprise. He'd always thought that his partner was a girl. But Mingi was very much not a girl, and Seonghwa felt embarrassed for having assumed.

Almost immediately, as Seonghwa reacted, he felt Yeosang's hand come down hard on his thigh, trying to contain his reaction.

'It is a pleasure to meet you,' Yeosang said, shaking his hand from across the table.

And Mingi smiled, the kindest smile Seonghwa had ever seen. 'I don't believe we have met, but I am under the understanding that you know my boss...?'

Seonghwa glanced at the blonde beside him, confused, which seemed to be the same reaction he had had.

'Song, Mingi,' the brunette added with a smile.

And Yeosang's eyes widened. 'You work for Kim Hongjoong?!'

Mingi smiled, nodding. 'Long distance, with the occasional trip here and there.'

Seonghwa could barely believe his ears, and as Yeosang's warm eyes fell upon him, he felt the warmth of his body come closer as Yeosang leant in. 'I told you Hongjoong had a way of showing up,' he said softly, and Seonghwa didn't know why, but somehow, the man he'd met in China who represented the turning point in his life, no longer felt so far away anymore.

But before Seonghwa could ponder it for too long, a squeal from behind him tore his attention from his thoughts...

'Ya! Park Seonghwa! I was starting to think you were avoiding me!'

Seonghwa spun around in his seat to see Wooyoung, and his freshly dyed purple hair taking up his view. 'Y-ya, what are you doing here?' he asked, confused.

But just in that moment, he noticed Choi San appear beside his roommate, linking his arm through his.

And Seonghwa startled as a pair of warm and velvety lips suddenly brushed his ear... 'I called San and asked them to come,' he whispered.

A soft breath escaped Seonghwa in surprise. But as he looked across at San's face, he was moved by how much less troubled he seemed then when he'd been back in China. He looked lighter... Happier...

With everyone settling around the table and side dishes and drinks being delivered, Seonghwa was surrounded by six smiling faces, all becoming newly acquainted and sharing friendly pleasantries.

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