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D'Laney Sinclair.

"i can't do this, i can't do this, what's wrong with me!" I whispered to myself while walking into the college.

I'd usually be with my friends but due to a last minute doctors appointment i had to be late,
that meant arriving at first break.

"Dee! over here!" Gina called me over to the table where they sat with two boys i recognised them due to the amount of times she'd showed me pictures and said how 'leng' they were.

i don't disagree but they were kinda average

"so this is, Gray and Ja'Keem" she pointed to each one. "and this is Zhareal my cousin."

she waved and smiled while the boys mumbled hellos.

Gina then began rumbling on about whatever beef she'd gotten herself into as per usual.

"Dee? did you hear me?"


"i said since it's friday are you coming out with me tonight? the boys said there's a motive."

I shrugged "i don't know maybe."

"is she always this boring? fucking hell." Keem yawned

"can you not?" Gina sassed. "she's not boring she just cares about her life."

at least she's sticking up for me :)

"so another kiko then?"

"i guess, she's just doesn't smoke weed and isn't a hoe like he is." she said making them chuckle.


"erm who's Kiko?"

"my younger brother, he's gonna come over in a bit just with his girl."

"where you going?" Zhareal asked seeing someone walk by

"done for the day yous' can come or not i don't give a fuck."

"he's rude.." i slightly whisper to gina

"thats kiko."

his hair was so nice, eyes really brown and his lips were plump.
he had a recently done slit in his brow and long lashes.

i wish.

"what bunk off?!"i questioned

"shush man, yeah we'll come it's not that bad dee just one day plus i'll get you signed out if you really want me too."Gigi suggested.

nevermind she's switched again.
im used to it by now, gina is a hoe no denying she says it herself "i'm in love with dick" she puts it.

i think it's an unhealthy addiction especially with the amount of sti's and std's about.

i mean she's already had chlamydia
from a threesome.
and now here she was trying to woo the boys.


can't say the same for me i'm a virgin, a proud one not waiting for marriage just waiting for the right one.
I know i could be wrong but at least someone i won't regret.

my future love.

*End of chapter
*Vote <3

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