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D'Laneys POV

"and then, wait" i laughed when trying to get my story out.

the group watched me intently, they'd never seen me so happy, why was i was so happy?

couldn't tell you.

"fucking speak then"Gray pushed while smiling.

"she slipped yeah, and the boys started laughing at her!"

Keem burst out laughing "so embarrassing what the fuck"

"did you record it?" Zeze asked.

"Kiko told me not too" i giggled as he squeezed my thigh under the table.

"okay but what yous on after last lesson" keem asked

"i can't lie i'm busy bro." kiko spoke up.

"who's you?" gina asked "you and dee?"

recently she'd been distant, i hope she wasn't jealous of me and him, we aren't even together.

"shut up man, IM busy"he emphasised, i keep quiet.

we walked through the hallways towards the hall we had a small assembly before the end of the day.

i spun to look at them and turned around again, at that moment the small group of boys giggled and i felt the whole back being lifted, i had shorts on but that could've been different.

i spun and looked at them "who did that?" they looked unbothered so again i asked "who just did that"

kiko watched carefully, leaning on the wall next to me.

"guys" i heard Zhareal tell the rest and they all walked back in my direction.

this wasn't good, i looked at kiko as he pushed himself off the wall and stepped beside me.

"who does my man think he is" one of the boys said and the rest snickered.

oh my God.

"answer her then" kiko spoke.

the boys still kept up their act.

"i'm not gonna lie, one of yous are gonna answer what she said, admit to it or hold a bang."

the boys looked at each other.

"i'm truly not arsed who did it, one of you are getting it."

i looked and Keem who just shrugged.

"no.. kiko let's just go it's fine." i held his hand and he shook me off.
"nah, you deserve an apology i can't lie."

a crowd began to form around us.

"who's apologising to some random gyal for wearing a short skirt."the boy who i knew as Jamal said


the boys began to get loud with him.

"is it that deep though?" one asked

"D'Laney move the fuck away from me."

"ooohh" they audience instigated


it happened so quick, one minute we were civil next he was punching this boy in the face, id never seen him so angry.

everyone jumped and shouted watching this all unfold.

all kiko saw was red, keem and gray both struggled to get him off the boy, they pushed him into the wall in an attempt to calm him down.

"nah let me go bro." he huffed.

"we can't do that lad calm yourself down." keem spoke looking at him.

"they pulled her skirt up what the fuck!? let me go Jakeem." he balled his fist.

i didn't know what to do, Zhareal was speaking to me but i wasn't taking anything in, i just looked at him, he was scary.

"BRO! fucking let me go!" he yelled

"kiko your gonna kill him, don't get yourself into nothing." gray attempted to get through to him.

"i don't care! he can't do that to her that don't run round me!"

teachers now began to run to the corridor, blowing their whistles and the crowd began to disperse.

"sit him down."they spoke to the boys.

"you really scared me."i whispered.

"when you ever see me getting like that you need to move, get away from me because i don't like you seeing that shit dee." he told me.

"i told you that it was fine."

"that's not fine, stop letting people walk all over you man, shit ain't funny."

what was i supposed to say..
that would've been avoided had he listened to me.
he talks to me like i'm his child or something it upsets me.

he started the engine.

tears streamed down my cheek, i tried my best to hide it from him, he didn't need to deal with my emotions as well as his own.


he pushed two fingers into my temple "fix up D'Laney."

"don't put your hands on me Enrique."i said calmly

he chuckled and pushed my shoulder "or what?"

"if you put your hands on me again i'll do the same so get off me."i yelled toward him.

he laughed in my face. again. "oh wow she does have a voice, hit me if you wanna hit me!" he yelled at me.

i sat on his bed trying to ignore him.

"nah you said it dee, if you want to punch me punch me." i raised my fist swinging at him and he grabbed my hand.

"let me go kiko."

"hit me"

"enrique let me go!"

we both feel silent..he looked down at me.

he walked away into the hallway "i care about this gyal too much." he laughed

he was so weird, should've let gina have him.

*my bad for the inactivity 🙏🏾

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