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the wind whispered into his ear as he sat at the grave of Javon "JM"Morgan, his beloved brother.

He never really said much just sat in silence, he was killed when Kiko was 8, you you imagine losing your brother so young.

Javon was 16 at the time, stabbed in the stomach and neck at the time he was out with Kiko the image constantly runs through his head.

The blood, the screams and the constant reminder with the slash he'd received on his arm.

He picked up the flowers who he suspected were always left by their aunt, walked to the bin and dropped them, and with that he left.

he placed the airpods in his ear on his way home.

D'laney Sinclair

"i hate maths man" Zhareal moaned dropping her pen from her hand onto the paper.

She only hated it cause it was due in the next 2 hours, this is why i do it the day it's given and hand it in asap.

I took one side of my airpods out as she began to speak to me.

"say that again please." i told her.

she closed her book and leaned in, "don't you see that gina has been acting weird with you.

i nodded, ever since i'd been chilling with Kiko more often she'd be more snappy with me.

Don't get it wrong, i make time for my friends if anything he gets 10% of my attention she just can't handle the fact she's not getting a percentage of his.

"she's just being weird about me and kiko and it's not that deep, we have nothing going on" i told her.

"i don't believe you have nothing going on, he drops you home and is with you every free period."

"we're strictly platonic friends."i said

i guess.

she laughed but picked her pen up again, i picked up my airpods putting it back in my ear.
I looked down at my phone and i saw the notification.

Kiko x


nothing where've you been ?

don't matter
im tryna see you today tho

are you in?

meet me in the car park
the backside

i hearted his message and started packing my things up.

"Zeze i'll see you later, i'll think about this motive too cause i've got work to do"

she laughed "you should know your coming already"

yes, i definitely couldn't get out of this one, i walked through the back of the school to the car park, he used this one cause it was free and not many knew about it.

he was leaning in the alley way with a zoot in his hand.

"anytime i see you, your smoking." i said to him.

he laughed "is that an issue? you only judge cause you don't burn."


we both fell silent and he looked me up and down, my stomach filled with butterflies.

"kiko.." i muttered.

"hm?" he hummed back.

"do it."

he leaned down to my ears "tell me what and i'll do it for you."he whispered

i felt his arms slowly wrap around my waist, his cologne filled my nose.

we couldn't do this, not here.

"ginas jealous of us, i don't like it."i spoke up

"fuck her man, do you really think i care about what she had to say or think about us." he laughed

"no it's just.. can you drop me home?"

End of chapter

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