Chapter 1

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As my alarm sounds from the phone on my nightstand, I scramble to turn it off with a groan. I flop back onto the bed and sigh. I wish I could just lay in bed all day.

    Reluctantly, I get up and grab jeans and a T-shirt before heading to the bathroom. I shower and get dressed as fast as I can. I don't know why, but I've always hated showering. I'm just not comfortable with myself at all. It's weird but I still shower. I don't want to stink.

    After getting dressed I brush my teeth and tie my hair into a ponytail before looking at myself. I quickly put on my favorite hoodie and go to the kitchen. It's not that I don't like the way I look. I just don't like people seeing my figure. I like wearing hoodies that hide me.

    As I enter the small kitchen, a note hangs from a magnet on the fridge. "Had to work early, won't be home until late. There are a few microwave meals in the freezer for dinner. Don't burn down the house.

"Love, Mom."

I shrug and grab a can of Root Beer from the fridge before setting it on the table. As I sit down, I get a notification on my phone. "Let me iiiin!!" it's a text from my best friend. He's awesome. Always stops by to steal whatever drinks we have in the morning.

I sigh and go to the front door. As I unlock it, I barely open it a crack before Brady is in my tiny home. And he's taking my Root Beer. He's wearing his typical striped shirt and jeans with his varsity jacket and high tops. "Thanks for stealing my drink again," I tell him as I shut the door and grab another can before I join him at the table. 

"No problem," he smiles as he cracks it open. I roll my eyes at him. "You going to the game tomorrow?"

"Why would I?" It's a Wednesday night and the only other person I hang out with is my girlfriend, Victoria.

"Because I'm playing," he shrugs. "Unless Victoria's being a bitch about where you can go again."

"She's not that bad. And I'm staying home to practice my guitar," I take a drink.

"You always say that," he gives me a look that says, really?

"I have to practice. That thing was expensive and I'm not about to waste the money Mom spent on it by letting it just sit there," I tell him.

"I know, man, you've told me a hundred times since you got it," he rolls his eyes at me.

"And I will continue doing so," we finish our drinks before putting the cans in the bag we have for returnables.

"What are you doing on Friday and Saturday?" Brady asks as he starts driving us to school. He has a cool black truck and he always picks me up for school. Sometimes it's early because he has basketball in the morning but those days I just watch him and the team practice or sit in my first-hour class.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Why?"

"There's a party at Quinn's on Friday and another at Clark's on Saturday. You should go with me."

"Why?" I question. "You and Victoria are like the only people I talk to."

"Which is why you should go. Maybe you'll make more friends," he pulls into the school parking lot.

"Fine, I'll go to Quinn's, and maybe if that goes well. Maybe, and only maybe. I'll go to the other one," I sigh as he nearly jumps out of the car before he actually parks.

"Finally!" he yells as he finishes parking and we get out.

"Calm down or it's not happening." He quickly nods but holds an excited smile. He's like a big, smart, and sporty child.

"So, where is Victoria? I want to make sure she isn't a bitch this morning," he looks around as we walk to the school. "Oh, wait. She's always a bitch."

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