Chapter 22

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I quickly shut my alarm off as I groan and stretch. As I get up I yawn and grab my new hoodie and some jeans before heading to shower and get ready for school. 

After making sure I'm clean and dressed I grab a drink and sit on the couch while I wait for my friends to get here.

It's Valentine's Day and I think I'm going to tell Chloe I like her. But, what if she hates me for it? Isn't it weird to date your ex's sister? Does she even like me back?

When a few knocks come from the front door I open it for Brady. "Where's Chloe?" I question as he comes in and grabs himself a drink.

"She said she had to do something so she would see us at lunch," he shrugs and we sit on the couch. "You gonna tell her?"

"Chloe?" he nods. "I don't know. What if she doesn't like me and it makes things all weird?"

"I don't think that'll happen," Brady shakes his head and takes a drink.

"How can you be sure?" I lean back into the couch.

"I just don't think it will. It's just a feeling I have," he shrugs.

"You want me to risk ruining a friendship because of a feeling you have?"

"You want to risk her never knowing how you feel?"

"Fair point," I shrug, taking a sip before setting the can down. "How would I tell her?"

"You could give her a note, or just blurt it out at a random time," Brady shrugs. 

"I don't think I can just blurt it out and not sound stupid," I tell him.

"Well, you're gonna have to find a way to tell her during class because we gotta go," we throw our cans in the bag to take them back before heading to Brady's truck.

We change the topic on the way to school but the thought stays in my mind. When I open my locker a small piece of folded paper falls out. I manage to catch it before it hits the floor and open it.

"Meet at the park by the woods at 5:30" 

I look around to see if anyone around me could've put it in my locker before folding it back up and putting it in my pocket while I get my stuff for class. 

At lunch Brady and I talk while we wait for Chloe who shows up after a few minutes. "What's up?" Brady nods to her as she sits next to me. 

"The sky," she shrugs.

"No shit," Brady says with a joking smile.

"Do you guys know anyone that doesn't hate me?" I ask before taking a bite of my pizza.

"Us," they both answer at once.

"I mean besides you guys," I cover my mouth as I speak.

"I don't think the whole school hates you," Brady shrugs. "There's 'probly a few people that still like all of us."

"Why?" Chloe gives me a questioning look as she shifts in her seat. 

"I got a note in my locker this morning," I pull the paper from my pocket. "It says to meet at the park later."

"It is Valentine's Day," Brady shrugs. "Maybe someone has a crush." 

"Yeah," Chloe nods. "It's 'probly someone too scared to tell you in front of the rest of the school."

"Makes sense," I nod and put some broccoli in my mouth. Yes I eat broccoli. Live with it.

"So, you gonna meet 'em?" Brady leans his chin on the palm of his hand as he pushes his glasses up with the other hand.

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