Chapter 6

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When I wake up I brush my teeth and go to the kitchen where Mom is making eggs and bacon.

"Morning," I say as I give her a quick side hug.

"Morning. How were those parties?" she asks as the eggs get put onto two plates with bacon.

"The first one was fun. Last night's was mostly fine," I shrug as she finally notices my hair.

"Wow, when did this happen?" she turns the stove off and touches the dyed hair.

"Last night. Brady helped before the party," I grab a plate and sit at the table. She does the same. "Do you like it?"

"It looks cool. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to change it?"

"It was sort of a sudden thing," I shrug. Should I tell her that I think I'm trans? No. Not yet. I don't even know for sure yet.

"Well, next time you should tell me." I nod. "So, why was last night mostly fine?"

"Victoria's a bitch," I shrug as I shove food into my mouth.

"What happened?" she gives me a curious look as she eats.

"She dumped me because of my hair."

"That's a stupid reason to break up." she rolls her eyes and I shrug again. "You seem pretty okay with this."

"I would be upset if she hadn't changed so much," I tell her. "She's done nothing but argue and complain and judge every little thing I or anyone does."

"So, you're okay?" 

"Yeah," I nod. "I can do what I want now."

"Does that mean you're going to be at parties more now?" 

"No. I don't think I'll be going to many more parties," I chuckle slightly. "Maybe one here and there but not as much as most of the school."

"Did you drink?"

"Nothing worse than a Monster."

"Good. I don't like those things but they're better than you getting drunk at sixteen." I nod and we talk while we eat.

When she goes to work I play guitar for a while. It relaxes me as I strum the different chords. I manage to get the song almost perfect a few times before sitting on the couch to watch TV. 

I think I should change my name. See if I like something more than Amelia. I've always liked the name "Danny" I don't think it's quite me, though. Maybe something with the same initials? 

Maybe Aaron? No.





I don't think I like them.

As I try to think of names a knock comes from the door. I get up and ask who it is as I get to the door.

"Brady. Let me in!" he calls through. I open the door and let him in. "Where'd you go last night? I thought someone drugged you or something."

"Chloe drove me home," I sit back on the couch as Brady follows. We sit facing each other with our legs in between the others.


"After Victoria broke up with me."

"That bitch."

"Yeah, why didn't I break up with her first?" I question. There are so many reasons I should've.

"How should I know? I told you she was a bitch," Brady puts his hands up. "So, you're good?" I nod.

"I need help with something, though."

"What's up?"

"I think I should use a different name. To see if I like something else but I don't know what name," I explain. "Any ideas that start with a?"

"Anthony?" I make a face. Cool name but not for me. "Ace? Or Axel?"

"I don't think those would make sense," I shrug.

"Oh! What about Asher?" he gets the look you get when you figure out a riddle or something.

"I like it," I smile and nod slightly. "Asher Carter."

"Sounds cool to me," Brady smiles proudly.

"I think you're a genius," I slightly kick his leg.

"That's me," he nods. "So, does this mean you're a guy?"

"I think so," I shrug. "I mean, I don't like being called a girl."

"I can start calling you a guy," he offers. "See if you prefer it?"

"That's 'probly the only way I'll know for sure," I nod.

"Then that's what I'll do from now on."

"Just don't tell anyone yet. Victoria will 'probly tell and that's gonna get weird. I don't want Mom knowing yet," I tell him.

"Got it," he nods. We joke around for the rest of the day as we watch TV. 

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