Chapter 4

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When I wake up, Mom's already at work so I just brush my teeth, get a bowl of cereal and sit at the table. After eating I spend the day practicing the guitar and watching more videos from the channel I found the other day.

Maybe I am trans? I never liked having long hair and I know that might not mean anything but maybe it does. Maybe it's just that I don't like how I look? I think I might be a guy, though. But what would mom say? What about Victoria? Brady's okay with it but what if Mom and Victoria hate me for it? What if I ruin everything?

Why is this so complicated?!

I groan and turn the TV off, quickly putting on a random pair of clean pants and a T-shirt before grabbing some of the money I've been saving and leaving the house. I lock the door and start walking towards the nearest store. I find one that sells hair dye and pick two colors before going to the checkout and buying it with a bag of chips.

As I begin walking home with my stuff I pull out my phone and find Brady in my contacts. I press the call button and put the phone to my ear as it rings. "Yo," The jock answers. 

"Can you come over in like, ten minutes?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'll tell you when you get here and bring your clippers or whatever they're called," I tell him.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes then," we hang up and I get home quickly. I set my stuff on the table and go to my room to find something I don't wear very often. After finding an old shirt I throw it on and pace around the house, waiting for Brady. 

"What's up?" he questions as I let him in.

"I'm going to dye and cut my hair and I need your help with it," I tell him as he finds the dye on the table.

"Awesome, what are you trying to do with it?"

I explain what style I want and we take the clippers and dye to the bathroom so we don't ruin anything in the other parts of the house. Brady cuts it with scissors before using the clippers around my head. By the time he's down most of my hair is in the trash can next to us and I look at myself.

"I'm gonna be honest here, and say that I did a better job than I thought I would," Brady nods approvingly with a smile.

"Okay, hurry and put the dye in. It still has to sit before we can rinse it."

He grabs the dyes and starts dying my hair new colors. When it's in we make sure I won't dye the couch before sitting down to watch TV while we wait for forty-five minutes to pass. The box said to keep it in for half an hour but we figured an extra few minutes would make sure it actually works. 

When Brady's alarm goes off we go to the bathroom and wash the dye from my hair. As I finish drying my hair I set the towel aside as Brady and I stare at the mirror with wide eyes at how different it is. Now I have a dark blue disconnected undercut with light pink tips.

"Holy shit," I mutter as I mess with the longer bits on top. 

"You're definitely not any sort of blond anymore," Brady smiles. "You like it or are you staring in hatred?"

"I love it," I smile. "Why didn't we do this sooner?" I turn to him.

"I don't know," he shrugs and I can't help but stare back at my hair again. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"I think I will," I nod. "When is it?" 

"In half an hour," Brady and I relax after I put on a red hoodie and loose, black jeans.

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