Chapter 9

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When I wake up the house is empty and completely silent. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stretch, a few of my bones cracking in the process.

I go to the kitchen to grab a granola bar from the cupboard. As I turn back around I notice the small paper on the counter. "Went to a friends call if you need us"

It's in Dad's handwriting. I scoff and throw the small paper into the trash before finishing my bar and doing the same with the wrapper. 

My phone goes off from the couch as I sit down. It's Brady asking me when I'm getting back. I tell him that I don't know and debate his question of coming to get me.

I doubt Dad will be back anytime soon and I have to be home before nine tonight so I can relax at home for a bit before going to bed.

After checking the time to find that it's almost one in the afternoon already, I tell him that he can come get me.

He knows where I am due to him having to get me when my dad was drunk and couldn't drive. I doubt Dad will care if he doesn't have to drop me off. He never actually tries to get me to come over anyway.

I leave a note and make sure I have all my stuff before sitting outside to wait. The fresh air is nice although it's chilly. I pull the sleeves of my jacket over my palms as I bounce my leg up and down.

After half an hour of waiting Brady pulls up with Chloe in the passenger seat. "Get in, loser, we're going shopping!" Brady yells after the windows are fully rolled down. 

"I should've known you'd do that," I laugh lightly as I grab my stuff and go to the truck. Chloe gets out so the back door can open.

"Want the front?" she offers as I set my stuff behind Brady's seat.

"Nah, you stay up there," I shrug and we get in the truck, closing the doors. 

"So, have any fun?" Brady asks as I scoot to the middle seat just because, and buckle up.

"Well, I had to drive Dad and Karen back last night 'cause they were drunk but besides that nothing happened," I shrug as he pulls away from the house.

"Where'd you guys go?" Chloe questions.

"To a bonfire, they all got wasted and I had to drive so we wouldn't crash."

"Why are you saying it like that's normal?" Chloe turns to eye me with suspicion.

"Well, driving them back is new but he's almost always drunk. Normally if he gets drunk at his friend's house we just stay that night or have someone else drive," I shrug. "He's a drunken asshole."

"And you can choose not to come over?"

"Yes. Don't ask why I do because I don't even know."

"So, Karen's still a douche?" Brady glances in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah," I nod. "I finished learning Riptide so I played it and Dad seemed to like it."

"You got it down?" Chloe's manner changes to a more happy one.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Oh, that gives me an idea," Chloe and I look at Brady expectantly. "You guys want to go to the park today? We can bring your guitar and you can play it there."

"Sure," Chloe shrugs. 

"I'll have to drop off my bag," Brady nods and the rest of the ride is filled with the three of us joking and laughing as music plays from the speakers.

After dropping my bag in my room I go back to the truck and we head to the park. Mom's at work so I couldn't let her know I'm back yet. We could stop by the store but I decide not to since I'll see her in a few hours. 

When we get to the park we step out of the warm truck, being met with a chill breeze. As I grab my guitar case we start walking to a grassy area.

I'm now seeing Brady and Chloe's full outfits. Brady's in dark blue jeans and a striped shirt under his zip up hoodie. His shoes are red with some patches of dirt in some spots. 

Chloe's wearing a band t-shirt under a red flannel with black, ripped skinny jeans. She has black combat boots that tie the outfit together. 

We sit in the grass as my guitar case sits beside us. We start talking as kids play on the equipment and their parents sit on the benches talking to each other and watching their kids.

"So, you wanna play?" Brady nods to my guitar case.

"Are you sure?" I'm suddenly aware of how many people are actually here as I glance around.

"If you want to," Chloe shrugs.

"I know for a fact that you're a good musician," Brady encourages.

I sigh and open my guitar case, deciding if I should stand or stay seated. I stay sitting and make sure the strap is out of the way as I give it a test strum to make sure it's still tuned correctly. It's a habit I don't want to break.

I start playing the song, matching my voice in at the right times. As I play a small group of kids and their parents join Chloe and Brady in front of me, some of them dancing or bobbing their heads with the music.

Brady and Chloe smile as I make it halfway through the song. I smile as I continue and the people around smile at their children as some of them dance around me.

As I finish the song the people around clap, Chloe and Brady being the first people to clap. I chuckle as the strangers toss loose change into my guitar case. As the people go back to their business I set my guitar next to me and empty the case so I can replace the change with my guitar.

"I was not expecting that," I say in all honesty.

"I knew you would be good," Chloe and Brady laugh at me as I count the change.

"They tossed in two dollars and twenty cents worth of quarters and dimes," I put the money in my pocket.

"You did great," Chloe smiles.

"Agreed," Brady adds.

"Thanks," I can't help the feeling of my cheeks blushing, feeling happy that I have a slight blush naturally so that it's harder for my friends to notice a small amount of blushing.

Brady notices my blush making me wish he didn't know me so well as he teases me for it. 

We talk and joke for a while before Brady drops Chloe and I off at our houses for the night.

I go inside where Mom sits on the couch with a glass of water while she watches TV.

"Hey, Mom," I smile as I shut the door and take my shoes off.

"Amelia," she sets the cup on the small coffee table as she stands up to hug me. The name makes me uncomfortable but her hug makes me relax a little. "I thought you were going to come home later."

"Nah, I got back a few hours ago. Brady, Chloe and I went to the park for a bit," I tell her as she pulls away and we sit on the couch.

"So, how were David and Karen?"

"Karen was a bitch, so nothing's changed there and Dad was either drunk or not there," I shrug. "I don't think I'll go back for a while."

"I'm sorry," Mom messes with my hair.

"It's okay, I'd rather stay here anyway."

We spend the next few hours talking, joking and watching TV before we make dinner. After dinner we do the same thing before going to bed.

I would much rather be here than at Dad's even if he wasn't drunk or at work. He would still make stupid, racist comments or he'll say something about me liking girls.

As I fall asleep I try to think of my friends and Mom instead of how much of a dick my father is.

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