Part 5

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     Drip, drip, drip.. 

That sound. It was so annoying. 

     Drip. Drip. Drip. 

Water, one drop after another, landing harshly on stone. The sound echoed with every drop, making you tense in frustration. 

     Drip. Drip. Dr-up. Dup. Dup. Dup. 

Suddenly, the sound was muffled by some cloth interfering with the water and stone. 

"Sorry. That sound was beginning to annoy me as well." A voice you hadn't heard before spoke up. You were up instantly, senses waking to the feeling of hard stone beneath you; the cold, damp air that consumed you; as well as the bright glowing object beside you. Your eyes came into focus on a torch sticking out of the wall opposite to you. It appeared you were in a cave tunnel. Not too far from the torch on the floor was a blanket, much like the one on you, sitting in a puddle where drips repeatedly pelted it. "You must be hungry." The same voice as before spoke, and out of the corner of your eye you saw a shadow move. You turned yourself to see the movement better, freezing instantly. The very shadow of the cave itself reached out to grab a small cloth satchel from a spike on the wall. A foot stepped out from the darkness, also appearing to be nothing but a moving shadow. 

"-Wh-h? Who are you?!" You shuffled back, kicking the thin grey blanket off of you as your eyes stayed locked on the moving shadow. 

Two glowing white eyes turned to greet you. "My name is Null." The voice opened with kindly. His tone didn't help any, though. You were too focused on the terrifying outer appearance. The shadow stepped further into the light, his silhouette appearing clearly before the stone wall opposite to you. As you shuttered in fear, the shadow casually searched through the items in his bag. "Aha. Here. It isn't much, but I have some food for you." He said, pulling out a smaller bag. From that, he pulled out a single strip of jerkey. 

"I'm...not hungry." You said, sitting up a little more. 

"Now I know that isn't true. You're the most mal-nutritioned human i've ever met!" Kind of random, but it was hard to tell if he was really speaking since the shadow had no mouth to speak through. He also looked a bit taller than Herobrine.. but that could just be the angle you were at as well. You had done the same for the Demon of the Nether. In reality, Herobrine was probably only 6'5 or something. 

"-Where.. am I?... I uhh, thought I was supposed to be dead or something." 

"Oh." Null quickly slid the jerky back into his bag, placing the un occupied hand on his hip as he thought. "Well, I saved you not too long ago from that 303 kid. Right before the explosion, I appeared, grabbed you real quick, and teleported you to the nearest cave underground. Heh, guess you don't remember all that." You shook your head slowly, answering his inner query. 

"Well.. how long have I been out then?" 

"You know what. I was actually starting to get a little worried after you had been asleep for over two days; thought maybe you would never wake up; but it just looks like you were really tired or something. "Are you okay, by the way? I saw you were with Herobrine. Did he treat you poorly or something? Better not have!.. I raised him up to be better than that.." 

"Wait..what?" You were shocked by all these things the shadow was spouting, still doubting whether or not you can trust him yet. 

"You answer me first real quick. Have you eaten at all since you were brought here?" 

You shook your head slowly. 

"Had you slept at all since arriving here?" 

Again, you shook your head slowly. In truth, you had eaten a little bread, but you wanted to see where this was going. 

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