Part 4

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(So sorry guys for the terrible relationship-thing I have built up so far. I know, I wanted it to start out this way, buuuut, reading back through this made me realize just how much of jerks these two have been to each other! 😅 So.. thanks to those who have managed to last through all that. I sure didn't! I couldn't even finish Part 3! Yeah... thanks. It'll get better, I promise!)

"Lock onto the entity and find his real world coordinates, NOW!" Herobrine orders. You follow as a soldier in a time of war might, quickly pulling out your window of code. It is a lot like being back at your computer at home, only now there is a much bigger threat than getting arrested.

Your commander, Herobrine, jumps into the air mere moments after he shouted, sending himself at the entity as a distraction. Your job is simple. Lock onto the player and from there find his coordinates. Only problem: you don't exactly know how to do that first step in this 3rd dimensional landscape. Do you need to get closer? Do you need to grab a piece of his pixely form or something? You wish Herobrine had run you through all this earlier... Even he probably doesn't have the technical know-how, afterall, since that was why he wanted you here in the first place.

After a good ten seconds of thinking, your mind decided to go with the first and only plan that had any chance at working. The two, one blocky and one not, were fighting in the sky. Sooo~ if you ran through the forest, hiding below them, you could get a general location of this digital character. After doing that you could better pinpoint the code hiding behind his avatar, including his IP address. Should be as simple as that.

You ran out into the forest, dodging all the trees as you ran by. Above, explosions and sparks of power were heard. You looked up on occasion, catching small glimpses of the two at war. The entity: Entity303.. wasn't fighting entirely like you do in the game. Yeah, his/its/their movements were a little more stiff, but he used both his arms and feet freely in the fight, granted, he had no knees or elbows, so it looked a little funky. And Herobrine...wasn't that bad of a fighter either. Herobrine had a pickaxe of all weapons, while the entity preferred using spheres of light or a grey sythe.

Finally you arrived just below the two, where they were at a bit of a stand-still at the moment. Random words appeared in the corner of your eyes for no explained reason, seemingly coming from the entity himself.

<Entity303: You know this won't last.>

You pulled out the window of text, calculating his coordinates in-game so you could properly define the user behind the blocky avatar.

<Entity303: Give up and spare your own life.>

Yes! The IP had been found! With the easy part out of the way, you quickly pulled out a pen and wrote on your left arm (unless you are left handed) the IP on the screen, since you knew you wouldn't be able to access it again. Herobrine responded across the sky with a shout you wondered if the player could even hear.

<Entity303: Where is the hacker I heard you were going to hire? Wait>

Then, right as you read the message, your head rose in a panic, looking up to the blocky man. Two red eyes dropped to meet yours. The gaze the two of you were stuck in for an awkward second was mind numbing.

<Entity303: WSDAWSSD>

Then the player moved again, briefly looking back up at Herobrine as a red sphere of light formed between his arms. Herobrine appeared shocked as well, preparing again for a fight. Only, this foe had his priorities straight. He suddenly stopped flying, plummeting down to earth with the speed of an anvil! Knowing where he was going to land, you fell back, rolling over your own shoulder in a quick race to get back onto your feet. Then you sprinted as far as possible.

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