Part 3

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You sit atop a ladder, casually hanging upside-down from it, which rests against the massive wall of a bookshelf, reading a random book about some prison somewhere or something. Nothing that really catches your interest. You have already read nearly one hundred books in your time being here. Past bored, tired out of your mind, but at least not as hungry anymore. Your worst enemy is boredom, which has brought you to imagining your captor entering the library at any moment, finally telling you what exactly you will be doing, and how. By this point, you nearly wish he could just enter already-! 

"Hacker! You are needed, NOW!" The doors to the library suddenly slam open, forcing your mind fully awake, and body trembling suddenly. With the startle, you jump, and your legs let go from being hooked overtop the ladder. With a scream you fall, fearing the possibility of breaking your neck as you fall nearly twenty full blocks down! "Woah!" Herobrine shouts, barely audible through your raspy scream. 

Suddenly you do not feel okay. Your body is torn to shreds, moved at speeds you couldn't even fathom, and smashed back together, all in the blink of an eye. The moment you are back together, you land a few more inches onto the hard wood floor. Head spinning and stomach churning, you roll over onto your stomach and try to get up onto your hands and knees. Bad move. You lose the only meal you have had in days, or at least what was left of it... 

"Ugh, that is disgusting. I will leave you for a moment to clean it up." Herobrine comments. Soon after you hear the doors close again, and you are again surrounded by silence. Your eyes and nose sting. Barfing is not fun; it never has been. At least none of it got into your hair or clothes, and vise versa. Your throat also hurts from the acids. Ugh, definitely doesn't help when you remember that one time you spent two days straight, crawling around, barfing under such pain, nobody doing anything but telling you to clean up the mess or even making it worse for you.. Not fun times... Your eyes become a little soggy at the memory, and when you can, you stand up slowly, carefully. You go over to the bathroom and wash your face, just because it always feels better when you do that, and drink some of the tap water as well. You grab a towel and a wet rag, and proceed to clean up your mess. When you are done, you shout at the doors that you are, and the man walks back in, holding a box about the size of his head between his hands. 

"How did I end up on the floor like that anyways?" You ask him as he enters. 

"Oh. I saw you were falling and teleported you to the ground so you wouldn't be injured. Forgot about some of the side effects, though." 

"Forgot, hu?" You huff. 

"I have no need to answer to you... But that is because I have been teleporting for years now, and haven't ever had to worry but teleporting others like that before." He states simply. You roll your eyes as he is looking away for a place to set the box down. He certainly isn't delighted to see how you have managed to trash the living space, not even seeming to take notice of the still perfectly made bed. "Ugh, this place is a pig-sty." He manages under his breath. You make no comment. You agree it does look pretty terrible. But, you stopped caring about cleanliness and self care the moment you were abducted. "So!" Herobrine finally finds a clear enough table to set the box on, immediately after opening the lid. He pulls out a rectangular tablet looking thingy, and holds it rather delicately. Curiously, you step forward. "I am sure you know what this. Here. You will need it. Don't lose or break it. They are hard to come by." He warns you, out stretching the tablet-thing for you to take from his hands. Carefully, you do, and have a closer look at it. One side is completely blank: black. The other side, however, you do recognize it. A.. Command Prompt window. The most basic way to access code! Through this, you could probably figure out how to do just about anything! Herobrine begins to explain, "Use this to do what you need. Keep in mind that you can't actually slash kill someone like me, because I am not identifyable as an entity. And while my foe is, killing him right now is pretty pointless, since he can just respawn." 

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