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"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Eren and I yelled while walking on the street.

"This is embarrassing..." Armin said as he covered his eyes with his hand, his blond hair falling over his face.

"Y/n, Eren, stop." Mikasa demanded as she put her hands on our shoulders. We stopped yelling and looked back at her. There was silence for a moment before Eren and I looked at each other and started yelling again.

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Mikasa groaned and shook her head.

"Brats, shut up!" Levi shouted in our ears, which made me and Eren flinch and cover our ears.

"Okay...damn, you don't have to yell like that." I muttered as I continued walking.

"Ooh Y/n, we're here!" Eren smacked my shoulder. I looked up and saw the ice cream shop that in my opinion, had the best ice cream.

"What flavor will you get?" I asked Eren as we entered the shop and walked towards the counter.

"Strawberry." I nodded and looked at the flavors they had.

"Welcome! What flavor would you like?" The lady behind the counter asked me.

"(Favorite flavor) please." I told her and took my wallet out of my pocket.

"Uh...Y/n, I can pay for you!" I looked to my left and saw Armin taking out his wallet as well and taking a ten dollar bill out of it.

"No, no, you don't have to!" I grabbed his arm, stopping it from moving any further.

"Let me." He said sternly. "P-please..." Armin added.

"You sure?!" I asked once more.

"Mhm." He hummed as he payed for my ice cream. The lady handed it to me and I took it and smiled at her. I turned to Armin and smiled at him.

"Thanks! I said as I gave him a hug.

"You're welcome." He chuckled as he turned his attention to the lady once again and ordered his own ice cream.


"That was amazing!!!" I said as I plopped down in the back seat of Eren's car.

"It was." Armin agreed. We stayed in silence for a moment before my eyes widened.

"Fuck!" I groaned as I let my head fall down.

"What?" Mikasa asked, looking at me concerned.

"I have to go practice!" I said as I looked out the window in attempt to guess how much more we had till we got to our campus. 

"You have time till tomorrow, chill." Eren said, not averting his eyes from the road in front of him. I groaned and hit my knee.

"I know but...I just want it to..." I paused slightly as I thought about what I was going to say. "Be perfect." I admitted as I let my head drop down once more, looking at the dirty car floor.

Mikasa turned to look at me not saying anything. I could see Levi from the corner of my eye staring at me with his mouth slightly open.

"Huh? Why? You're playing for Levi right? You can mess up haha." He spoke, laughing a little. Mikasa hit his shoulder making him grunt. "Ow...what was that for?!" He parked the car in the college's parking lot and turned to look at me.

"Why are you embarrassed?" He asked, noticing my red cheeks. "Wait..." He started as he finally realized what I said. "You want it to be perfect cause you're playing for Levi?!" I looked up at him with my brows furrowed.

"You didn't have to say it out loud!" I shouted before turning towards Levi. "Move please." I said.

He opened the door and got out of the car. I got out as well and as soon as I did I ran towards the entrance of the college.

"Brat!" Levi called after me but I kept running.

Eventually I entered the familiar, sound proof room and sat at the beautiful piano. I sighed and looked at the ceiling before placing my fingers on the keys and started practicing, without doing any warm up exercises beforehand.

As I was halfway through the piece the door opened and I stopped playing immediately.

"Y/n...why did you run like that?"

"Wait Levi, don't look!" I exclaimed as I quickly took the music sheet and hid it under a chair. "I want it to be a surprise..." I explained.

"Alright." He said as he sat on the piano stool, beside me. "Why did you run away?" He asked again.

"I got embarrassed..." I explained, looking away from him.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. We're friends right?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged as I looked into his blue eyes. "Are we?"

"Y-yes. We are." He stuttered a bit.

"Are you sure because, I thought you hated me."

"I don't. You're a nice person." He said without hesitation. I smiled at him and gave him a hug that seemed to take him by surprise. When I noticed he didn't hug back I pulled away.

"Well I still have to practice so pelase go away." I chuckled as he stood up and walked over to the door.

"See you." He waved at me before exiting the room.

Levi pov

'What is up with me?' I asked myself as I walked down the hallway. 'Telling a girl I barely know I'm friends with her. I don't act like that even with my family.' I clicked my tongue as I kept walking.

I looked ahead as I neared to my dorm.

"Tch...what are you doing here?" Mikasa was leaning against the wall, beside the door.

"Why did you run after her?" She asked.

"And what was I supposed to do? Let her go and cry on her own?" I argued. She gave me a glare before speaking again.

"That's what you've done all your life. So why didn't you do it this time?!" Her question took me by surprise. 'I wonder...why...'

"You care about her don't you. Why don't you care about your family like you care about her?" She continued.

"Don't say something like that?!" I gripped her shirt and gritted my teeth. How could she even say I don't care about my family.

"Look at us...we're cousins...we're family but we barely spend time together." I looked at her, not saying anything. I couldn't deny, it was true. We are family...but we're so distant.

"Are you jealous or what?" I finally said something. Mikasa shook her head at me.

"No I'm's just strange but...I'm happy." For once her voice had emotion in it. "I'm happy to know that you can care for somebody other than your mom." I released my grip on her shirt and backed away a little.

I pushed Mikasa aside so I could go inside my dorm but before I could she asked me something.

" like her don't you?"

Hey guys here is the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time. Bye!!!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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