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» [Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise] «
❝ And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody ❞

" Tell mom and dad bye. " I told Lucia. She stuck her head out the window, " BYE MOM! BYE DAD! " I winced at the loudness. Waving at them, I drove off. I was going to spend some time with Lucia today before training.

" So chipmunk, tell me about school. " I said sparking up a conversation. She sat up in her seat, clearing her throat.

" I have two friends! Also, I really like art. Mrs. Buttons lets us paint when we behave well. " She giggled. I smiled glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

I hummed, " Any boys? " I wiggled my eyebrows. A slight blush took over her face. I gasped, " Tell me! " I demanded playfully.

" H-his name is Zane. " She said in a quiet voice. " Well tell me about this boy that got my sister blushing. " I said. Lucia let out a loud giggle. " He's really nice and even helped me with my math once! " She continued on talking about Zane while I listened in closely.

I would have to pay a visit to my new buddy Zane.

Soon enough, we arrived at an ice cream shop. I turned off the engine and exited the car along with Lucia. " Now we're not going to take a whole day deciding what flavour we want, so decide quickly. " I told her opening the door. Lucia nodded skipping inside.

It barely had people, a girl on her laptop in the far corner, and a couple literally eating each other faces off. I moved in front of them, blocking Lucia's view.

She's too young.

" Hi! Welcome to Master Dairy, what can I get for you today? " A girl asked. My eyes skimmed over the flavours, " I'll have mint and chocolate chip. " I said smiling slightly. The girl nodded, averting her eyes to Lucia. " And you little lady? "

" Ummm... VANILLA! I want this one. " Lucia shouted. I gently tapped her shoulder.

" Of course dear, you can go have a seat and I'll be right there with your order. " The girl smiled walking off.

I choose a seat at one of the corners. " Lucia, stay here I'm just going to pay and be right back. " I warned her. She nodded swinging her feet excitedly. Glancing at her one last time, I turned around and went to pay for the ice cream. As I was about to step up, a lady rushed in front of me.

" Sorry, it's for my son. " She explained with a fake smile.

I felt like punching this bitch right now.

I curled my lips in disgust before smiling.

Take that lady.

Karma came back to bite me in the ass as the lady had a huge order. Glancing at Lucia, I saw her drawing imaginary stuff on the table.

" Yes, that'll be it. "

Five minutes later and she was finally finished. What does she have like ten kids?!

After paying and collecting our ice cream. I left the counter and walked back to our table.

" I got our ice creams. " I cheered.

" Yay! " A wide smile spread across her face.

" Thank you, Thena. " Lucia said. " Don't mention it, chipmunk. "

We were eating in silence until she spoke up.

" Hey! Where did Mr. Frenchy go? " She asked looking around. My eyes shot up in alert.

" Who? " I asked. " Mr. Frenchy, the guy that was staying with me while you were paying for our ice cream. " She explained.

I cursed under my breath. " Lucia, let's go. " I hurriedly picked up our cups, grabbing her hand I darted out of the store.

" What's wrong? " She asked worriedly. " Everything's alright chipmunk, Thena's just not feeling well. " Lucia nodded jumping in the car.

Closing the door, I looked around and noticed a black car in the distance. As if it noticed I was staring, it drove off. Goosebumps covered my arms.

I hopped in the car, immediately leaving the place. Worry and guilt filled my body.

If I didn't fucking leave her alone none of this would've happened.

And who is this Frenchy?


" FUCK! " Dad cursed, slamming his hand on his desk. I flinched, shrinking in my seat. " ETHAN! " He barked. A frightened-looking Ethan scurried into the office. " S-sir? "

" Find out who the fuck this Frenchy is. " He growled.

" I'm sorry. " I whispered, lowering my head in guilt. " It's okay princesse. " It's not.

Turn's out dad had been receiving threats for the past week and now a man named Frenchy shows up out of the blues and talks to Lucia.

Maybe this alliance with the Russian mafia is needed after all.

Countless calls after, we ended up with not one single piece of information about Frenchy.

It's either this man doesn't exist or he's damn good at hiding himself.

" Dad, let's stop here and continue tomorrow. You would need energy if you want to find him faster. " I said softly. He sighed. " Of course, princesse. "

Smiling, I kissed him on the cheek and left. It was around 6pm, mom and Lucia had gone to Aunt Sofia's house.

Turning off my car, I sat still lost in my thoughts.

This was all too stressful. Dad and I tried numerous things but still ended up with nothing. Whether we liked it or not, we both knew we needed help on this one.

I took a deep breath, exiting the car. I needed a distraction and I knew exactly where to get it from.


As promised I published another chapter.

I'm thinking every two days update? I already have some chapters in drafts, it just needs proofreading. 

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