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» [Beautiful mistakes - Maroon 5 ft. Megan Thee Stallion] «
❝ And now we lie awake, makin' beautiful mistakes ❞

" Shut up asshole! " I heard a voice hiss. " OKAY! " I heard another. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. The first thing I noticed was the familiar walls of my bedroom. The second was the pounding headache. It felt as if someone was constantly hitting my head with a hammer.

" Thank you fuck that you're awake! " I heard Josie's relieved voice. Beside her, Damien was standing holding his wrist.

" Your best friend broke it. " He said with a little pout. I chuckled but immediately regretted it when a wave of pain shot through my head.

I fucking hate this.

" What happened? " I asked dropping back on the bed, my head colliding with the soft pillow.

" You fainted. " Josie said, fidgeting nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows, deciding to ignore her.

" How long was I out? " A needle was stuck in my arm, probably a long time. " Four hours. " That's weird but okay. " Is Andre okay? " I asked worriedly. Damien nodded, " He tried attacking us but luckily your dad was there. " He shivered.

I was about to get off the bed when Josie hurriedly stopped me. " The doctor needs to check you first, stay put. " I huffed glaring at her.


On cue, the doctor strolled in with a clipboard in her hand.

" Ms. Chapelle, I see you're awake. " She smiled. " I am Dr. Black, but you can call me Felisha. "

I nodded.

" Good, now I'll just check your blood pressure then you'll take your vitamins. " Felisha said.

Wait a minute - my vitamins? Somethings wrong here.

" My vitamins? " I questioned. " Yes, for your- " Josie cut her off by whispering something in her ear. Felisha nodded exciting the room with Damien following behind. He was standing in the corner all the time.

" What is this about Josie? Did something happen? "

Josie sighed sitting on my bed. Her face held a sympathetic look but her eyes stated otherwise.

She was excited.

I raised my eyebrows. " Well, when you ran into the gate. The guards saw- " She was making me impatient.

" Spit it out, Josephine. " I gritted my teeth together. Josie visibly swallowed.

" The doctor took your blood and it stated that you're pregnant. " She blurted out like a robot. I laughed loudly, tears gathering at the corner of my eyes.

" Nice one Josie but I'm being serious now, what is it? "

She swallowed, a smile pulling at her lips. " You're pregnant Athena, two weeks to be precise. " She smirked.

Oh fuck.

She's not joking.

She said my full name.

Grandma help me, please.

" WHAT?! HOW THE FUCK CAN I PREGNANT?! " I shouted shoving the pillow in her face. " Well for one you had unprotected sex with Mr. Roman and two, you had sex. " She explained as if I was a kid. I growled.

" It wasn't unprotected! " I defended. She gave me a sarcastic look. " When was the last time you had that coochie pounded love? " She said in a fake British accent.

Mumbling under my breath, I pushed myself off the bed and trotted outside.

Fuck my life.

My parents, Damien, Aiden and Felisha were standing leaned up against the door.

Why even is Aiden here? He looked at me disgusted.

Mom immediately pulled me into a hug while dad stood aside. " MY BABY IS PREGNANT! " She squealed happily. I forced a smile, returning the hug.

Dad walked off, leaving me with them.

" I'm going to be an uncle. " Damien smirked, ruffling my hair. He was always like my big brother.

Aiden stood frozen. " You got pregnant by our enemy?! I think you should get an abortion! " He said evilly. Damien turned to him, a dangerous look on his face.

I gulped slipping away from them, in search of dad. Mom left too, going to the kitchen.

Probably going to bake a cake for me.

I found him after a while, standing in the garden with a cigarette in hand.

" Dad. " I spoke softly, standing by his side. He didn't glance at me, just stared at the plants.

" I thought you stopped those. " I said pointing to the cigarette. He chuckled bitterly, " In times like these, I needed one. "

I looked away guilty. " I didn't know. " I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. My vision blurred as I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

He stiffened. We stood in silence for a while. " Are you going to tell him? " Dad asked. " Yes, it's also his child. " He sighed. " Are you mad? " I asked softly. " I am disappointed, but it is something that cannot be reversed. " I smile slightly. Dad pulled me in a hug, soothingly rubbing my back. " It will be okay, princesse. "


So like I forgot the dates so let's just say she's two weeks preggo.

And I know I took long to announce her pregnancy *sigh* but this book is not about the child only soo yeah

Hope you enjoyed it loves❤️

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