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» [Ariana Grande ft Lil Wayne - Let me love you] «
❝ You're the one I'm feeling as I'm laying on your chest ❞

He took my hand, guiding me through a corridor.

I looked back and saw Josie wiggling her eyebrows at me. A little fun once in a while wouldn't hurt.

He towered over me, my head only reaching his shoulder.

His dark hair was slicked back, he was wearing a black dress shirt with fitted pants that were slightly loose around the waist.


He pulled me inside a room. It seemed like a normal bedroom.

Turning around, I was just in time to see him lock the door with a predatory look in his eyes.

Gulping, I backed up as he took a step forward.

Soon enough my back hit a wall. " Beautiful." He whispered trailing a finger down my cheek.

Maintaining eye contact, I moved my head to the side, sucking his finger into my mouth. He bent down pressing his lips against mine. I quickly responded to the kiss, tangling my hands in his hair.

His hand wrapped around my throat, tightening his grip.

Tugging at his shirt, I begin to unbutton it.

Quick breaths left my mouth.

" I'm Thena. " I gasped out as his mouth latched onto my neck, sucking. " Rome. " He growled pulling off my dress roughly.

I was braless, only a black g-string covering my area. Rome stepped back, his eyes greedily drinking in every inch of my body.

" Fuck! " He groaned pushing off his trousers. I stared in awe as his boxers came into view, a large dent poking through it. He was huge.

I don't think I'll be able to survive the night- but at least I'll die happy.

Licking my lips, I crawled on the bed giving him a show of my ass.

Arching my back, I hooked my finger on the waistband of the g-string slowly pulling it down.

Rome groaned lowly from behind me, " Such a tease. " He held my hips pulling me back against him.

I gasped as my pussy came in contact with his hard cock. He slowly started grinding against me as I used my hands to support my body weight.

I felt one of his hands cup my tits, roughly pinching my nipple. I let out a soft moan, rocking back against him.

" Mmm. "

Grabbing my hips, he lined up at my entrance before swiftly thrusting in, wasting no time roughly pounding me from behind.

I moaned loudly. Rome gathered my hair in his hand, aggressively tugging it.

" You like that? " He grunted.

Fuck me- oh wait he already is, oops.

I let out a shaky breath as I felt myself getting closer to my climax.

" Fuck. " I moaned, clenching the bedsheets.

His hand curled around my waist, slowly circling my bud. " Oh fuck! Shit. "

I moaned loudly as intense pleasure overcame me, my eyes rolled to the back of my head. His thrusts became sloppy as he neared his climax. After two powerful thrusts, Rome stiffened letting out a guttural moan.

We collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily.

" That was good. " I said trying to catch my breath. Rome nodded, agreeing with me. A sly smirk covering his face.

" Round two? " He suggested trailing his hand down my stomach.

That was the moment I said fuck it and proceeded to have a night full of passionate sex.


Morning came faster than I expected. It was still dark outside.

I looked at the man sleeping beside me.

Sighing, I quietly got up and began to get dressed. I checked my phone before and saw a text from Josie say she was going home with someone so I could take her car.

Gathering all my belongings, I tiptoed out of the room and darted outside.

The sun was slowly starting to peak on the horizon. If I could, I would've stopped and looked at it but I'm in a hurry to get home.

I wasn't planning on stay out the whole night, my dogs had to get food.

I fumbled with the car keys, finally unlocking it. Her car was so weird or was it me?

Shrugging it off, I started the car and sped off. My poor babies were probably hungry. Today I had to pick up Andre from the vet, I'm sure Belle would be happy to see him.

When I arrived, an eerily feeling crossed me. I glanced around before pocketing the gun from the glove compartment.

I wasn't in the mood for shit right now.

Stepping out of the car, I aimed the gun towards the door while unlocking it.

I hoped nothing happened to my babies.

Bursting in, everything was a disaster. Broken glass on the floor, chairs upside down.

It didn't look like a struggle, except they did this purposely. My babies, we huddled in a corner, Belle stood in front of them growling protectively until she realized it was me.

" Belle, my girl. " I cooed rubbing her head. She whined, pushing her head towards the pups. I checked them and they were all fine. Belle circled them, cleaning each one.

Flipping my phone out, I dialed dad's number.

" Princesse? " His sleepy voice came. " Dad, sorry if I woke you. " I said examining my place. " No no, it's okay. What is it? " He asked.

" Someone broke into my house. " I said explaining to him what I saw. He mumbled something incoherently and said he'll be here.

I decided to take a bath and change knowing he would bring men with him.

A few minutes later they arrived. " Look for any signs of a break-in. " He told the men. Walking over to me, dad pulled me into a hug.

" Are you okay, princesse? " He asked with genuine concern. I nodded offering him a smile.

" Boss! " One of the men called. We followed the voice to my bedroom.

" They came in from here. " He pointed towards the window which had broken shards of glass around it. Dad nodded, flipping out his phone.

" Damien, we need you here. " I looked at him suspiciously. " I thought he left? " I asked. He glanced at me, typing on his phone.

" He arrived back last week. " Damien would've told me, at least.


So... how was it??

I will now proceed to jump off a cliff, goodbye ladies and gentlemen

(edit 25/07/2021 - y'all istg im not the flower girl anymore)

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