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» [Zayn- Pillowtalk] «
❝ It's our paradise and it's our war zone ❞


The girl let out a high-pitched moan, tightening around my condom-covered member. I pulled out of her, not even bothering to finish myself off. She wasn't worth the fuck.

I flopped down on the bed, running my hands through my hair. Since the one-night stand with Athena, I couldn't fuck anyone without thinking of her gorgeous body and melodious moans.

I groaned in frustration as I felt my member poking up for attention. The girl ran her claws over my chest, biting her lip or more like trying to swallow it.

I couldn't even remember her name, not that it mattered.

" Need help with that? " She pointed towards my member. " No, and if I did my hand would've done a better job. " I spat. A look of hurt flashed through her eyes as she pouted.

" C'mon daddy, you know you'll like it. " She purred, trying to kiss me. I moved my head standing up.

I don't do kisses. That shit is for romantic people and I'm definitely not a romantic.

I slipped on my clothes, getting ready to leave the hotel room. " Where are you going? " She asked standing up and wrapping the sheet around her body.

" Away from here. " I answered pulling on my shirt. " B-but I thought you were gonna take me out on a date? Can I at least get your number? " She hiccuped, fake tears running down her face.

" Look Betty, you were just needed to satisfy me, which you clearly failed at doing. " I spoke each word clearly. " Who's Betty? " She asked with jealousy. I ignored her and left the room, eager to leave this place.

" Get some clothes up to room b103, feminine. " I told a maid. I wasn't completely heartless, judging by the skimpy outfit she wore earlier and her state, any man would make a move. Next thing you know she's pregnant or dead.

I sighed as my thoughts drifted to Athena. It had been a week since I walked out on her. The news just hit me at full force and I didn't know what to do.

I was going to be a father.

Somehow the thought of having kids with her warmed my insides. God, I sounded like my teenage self.

Mentally slapping myself, I entered my car and drove off.


" Man, that's messed up. " Jaxon said sipping on his whiskey. I nodded, agreeing with him. We were currently in my office discussing what had happened a week ago. I hadn't told anyone until now.

" Are you accepting it? Them? " Jaxon asked eyeing me. I groaned, rubbing my face. " I have no choice Jaxon, that's my heir she's carrying! " He shook his head.

" But you do have a choice Roman, reject them and have your child with another woman. But you refuse to imagine your life with any other woman except Athena. " Jaxon said sighing dreamily. I so wanted to punch him right now. " Stop talking nonsense and get the fuck out of here. " I growled sinking in my seat. He chuckled. " Don't deny it, Roman. "

I grabbed the stapler from the table, throwing it at him.

" HEY! CHILL DADDY! " He screamed running out of the office. I grumbled under my breath.

My phone rang, pulling me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the caller id, swiping it. " Chapelle. " I answered. " Mr. Fedorov, I believed we had a meeting scheduled at one o'clock, no? " I mentally cursed myself, looking at the time.

It was one forty.

" I'll be there in a few. " I ended the call and immediately started getting ready.

I had made up my mind to talk to Athena and solve this problem.


" Mr. Chapelle, my apologies. " I said shaking his hand. He brushed me off.

" Any new information on the guy? " I asked taking off my jacket. He shook his head, letting out a tired sigh. " We tried, but he's so fucking good at hiding. " Louis growled fustrated. " My men found something. " I said looking at him.

A hopeful look crossed his face, but it was instantly covered up. " Apparently he works for someone called Lion, a sex trafficker, and abuser. " I repeated everything I saw on the file.

" He's good at hiding people. But one thing I never found was why he was after us. He's way weaker than us, barely has any men. " I furrowed my eyebrows, biting my lip in frustration.

" Revenge. " Louis muttered with a scared look on his face. It was the first time he had displayed emotion in front of me. I don't understand how he could be scared of a single man who barely had power. " Why revenge Mr. Chapelle? " I asked curiously, leaning forward. He swallowed, slight sweat on his forehead. " It was something I did a long time ago. " He said looking at papers sprawled out on the desk.

" Get to the point. " I gritted out. Louis nodded, " I killed his family. " I looked at him.

" What's wrong with killing his family? "

" His wife was pregnant! and. his kids were so young. "

I stared at him shocked, but not showing it. " Was there a reason? " I asked cracking my neck. He nodded.

" Was it bad? " Again, he nodded.

I stood up patting his shoulder. " Then there's no fucking need for revenge. "

Louis nodded, having an internal battle with himself. " You're right, there is no need. " He growled out, his eye twitching.

I left him to collect his thoughts and started searching for Athena. 

A little while after, I found her sitting in the garden with a book in hand. Her golden locks were in a messy bun with a few strands loose. She was wearing a yellow sundress.


I walked up to her, clearing my throat. She slowly raised her head.

" Yes? " What was I supposed to say?

" I apologize for my behavior last week. " I said my voice a little too rough. Athena furrowed her eyebrows, " Apology accepted. " She mumbled. My eyes trailed down to her plump lips.


We were in silence for a bit, her reading and me just standing there.

" I am willing to support you and the baby. " I said. A small smile graced her face. " Okay. " Nodding, I walked off wanting to leave.

After looking at her for so long, I needed a good fuck. But I knew no one would be able to satisfy me except her.

I groaned, throwing my head back.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


how u like my surprise? heheh. It's not going to be a regular thing -_-

i wrote a chapter with 2500 words and guess what.. you guessed it, I FUCKING LOST HALF OF IT SKKSKLA

im gonna cry now, goodbye my loves

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