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» [Beach House - Space Song] «
❝ It will take a while, to make you smile ❞

I watched as guns were loaded into huge containers and then into a truck where a group of men sat.

" Do you know where I can find Roman? " I asked folding my arms. They glanced at me, eyes widening. " We last saw him with Mr. Chapelle ma'am. " A man said as they lowered their heads in respect. " Okay, Thank you! " I flashed them a smile before running off to look for Roman.

" Roman! " I launched myself in his arms, he caught me before returning the hug. My hands were shaking nervously. " Do you have everything? Guns? Knives? " I asked, my eyes frantically searching his body.

" Calm down baby, I have everything. You. " He smiled trying to lighten the mood. " S-stop playing! This is important. "

He frowned pulling me closer, " Don't cry, love. " I didn't realize I was until he mentioned it. " I'm just worried. " I said trying not to break down sobbing. He already had enough on his shoulders and my crying would only stress him out more.

" Everything will be okay. I'll be back and we'll have a big party to celebrate and then some months later our little one will be here. We'll be a happy little family. " Tears gathered in his eyes, it was the first time I ever saw him crying. Even Roman was unsure of what the future holds. We just got together, we can't be separated so soon right? It's unacceptable. I would not accept it.

I weakly smiled, wiping his tears. " Whatever happens I'll still love you. " I said struggling to hold up the smile. My throat started closing up but I pushed down the feeling.

Not now.

When he goes we have to the whole house to cry how loud we want. " I love you, baby. " He whispered resting our foreheads together. " I love you too. " Roman chuckled.

" Boss! it's time to go! " A man shouted. My eyes scanned over his face, hoping to remember it if anything happens. " Wait. " I said pulling out my phone, " Let's take a picture. " He looked confused but went along.

I turned my back to him, holding the phone up. His head rested on my shoulder and his hands on my hips. I smiled weakly, clicking the button.

" Go, they're waiting on you. " He kissed my forehead, running in the direction of his team. Someone grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the house.

" They'll be fine Thena. " Josie said. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying. I plopped down on the couch, watching through the large window as the trucks pulled off. I didn't know if this was my last time seeing him, but I hope not.

It was only Josie, Lila, and me along with three other men at the house.

" Hey. " Lila said weakly. She had also been crying. " How are you? " I asked. Lila chuckled bitterly, " My husband might die today and you're asking how am I, you're so smart. "

" Don't talk to her like that - all she asked was if you were okay but if you want to be a bitch about it! Get the fuck out! " Josie stood up angrily pointing to the front door. " Josephine. " I called in a warning tone. She huffed and sat back down, mumbling profanities under her breath.

" I'm sorry Athena it's just- "

" Don't worry about it, I understand. "


A light flashed from the corner of my eye. I stood up from the couch I had been sitting on for hours and walked towards the window. A black car pulled up on the driveway.

" Who is it? " Josie asked. I shrugged and continued watching. I hoped it was Roman, my anxiety was kicking in every minute and I could help but overthink the situation.

The driver's door opened and my mother ran out. Shock hit me at full blast. She wasn't supposed to be here but at the hideout. I ran towards the front door, swinging it open.

" Mom! What are you doing here?! " I asked worriedly. Had something happened?

" I-I was worried about you. " She stuttered, tears running down her face. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and walked inside.

Someone could have followed her here.

I waved over the guards.

" See if anyone followed her. " The nodded.

" How did you get out? " I asked sitting next to Josie. Mom settled on the single couch.

" They didn't stop me. " She shrugged. That's weird, didn't they have commands from dad?

" Ma'am! " One of the guards shouted running towards me. I stood up alerted.

At the same time, the front door burst open with a bloodied-up Jaxon walking in. I didn't even realize they had reached back. Completely forgetting about the guard, I ran past Jaxon outside.

Multiple vehicles were parked, men offloading one by one. My eyes scanned the area for Roman and Lucia. I spotted them standing near a car, Roman talking to a man and Lucia clinging to his feet.

My knees buckled at the amount of relief. I started running in their direction, eager to have both of them in my arms.

" Thena! " She screamed. I dropped to my knees not caring about the gravel scraping against it and pulled her in my arms.

" Oh, God! You're okay, you're okay. " I sobbed, clutched her small body. She was okay, they got her back. Her body didn't seem like it had any scrapes or bruises.

" I'm good! But why did so many men come to get me? Mr. Frenchy said only daddy was coming. " I felt a heavyweight in my chest. She was clueless about the whole situation, but how?

I finally released her from the hug, my gaze traveling to Roman who was silently watching us.

I wasted no time, throwing myself in his embrace not caring about his bloody state. " Shh love, I'm okay. " That didn't stop me from sobbing my life out.  I was beyond terrified for him. My hands were locked around his neck, tightly pressing myself into him. " I'm okay. " He placed a kiss on my forehead, drawing circles on my bump.

I pulled away, scanning his body. " Are you hurt? Did I hurt you? " I asked frantically. He chuckled.

Blood coated his skin with a few bruises, but he seemed unbothered. " No one can hurt me, I'm too good. " I rolled my eyes. In the worst of situations, he still finds it to boast about his skills.

Though I find it nice.

I turned around to hug Lucia again but mom had already beat me to it. Dad was standing at her side.

He had a bruise on his lip and a twisted jaw. I cringed.

In the distance, Lila was practically trying to mold her body into Jaxon's but it looked like he enjoyed it by the smug look on his face. Josie was crying repeatedly hitting Shawna.

That's my best friend for you.

Everything was finally at ease now. We had Lucia and there was nothing major to fear for. Little did I know - the people closest to my heart held the most secrets.


i disappeared for a while, sorry. i wasn't really feeling good but i still wanted to get a chapter out.

sorry for any mistakes <3
also, that's one of my favorite songs :)

only one more chapter remaining but there will be a sequel

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