Family Day - Aaron Gordon

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You and Aaron have been dating since his rookie year then got married three years later. Now Denver has been your home since he was traded to the Nuggets. Close to the middle of last season you gave birth to twin girls. They are little over a year now and just started walking. Sometimes you bring them to away games but they come to every home game. It is family day at tonight's game so the players' families can come hangout on the court early. You are helping one of the girls down the stairs to the court while Aaron's mother is with the other one. All of you are wearing his jersey. When you walk onto the court, you see other players' families, wives, girlfriends and kids. The team begins to come out from the player tunnel and they go to their families. You see Aaron walk out with Jamal and MPJ following.

He smiles when he sees you. Your older daughter starts to run to him while your other daughter is busy with Aaron's mother. He reaches down to pick up his daughter and gives her a big kiss. "Hey babe." He wraps his free arm around your shoulders and gives you a peck. Now your other daughter gets excited when his mother walks over with her. Aaron greets his mother then his other little girl. After Jamal and MPJ greet their families, they start walking over to us.

Your daughter who Aaron is holding, starts clapping when she sees them. Both of them greet you before going to the twins. "How's our little lady?" Jamal grins as he takes her from you. Your other daughter taps Aaron's arm meaning she wants to get down. He puts her down then she runs to MPJ.

"There's our other little lady." He smiles as he picks her up. You smile as the girls are happy they are with Jamal and MPJ. They really love them since they are their uncles. You have a surprise for Aaron. You reach in your pants pocket and pull out some ultra sound pictures. You found out that you're pregnant again. It's been really hard because you are two months pregnant and you've been trying to find the right time.

While the guys are distracted with the twins, you pull Aaron off to the side a little. "Hey." He grins as he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Hi." You say as he leans down to kiss you.

"I have something for you."

You hold the pictures up for him to see. It took him a couple of seconds to realize what it was. "You're pregnant?"

"What?" Jamal says as it catches his and Mike's attention. They and Aaron's mother turn to us while the guys are still holding the twins. Aaron picks you up and spins around. He sets you down and presses his lips against yours.

"What do you say? Do you want be to uncles again?" I look at Mike and Jamal. They both smile and put the girls down. They come and hug you then Aaron. He and the guys grab a few basketball to play with the girls. Both of your daughters grab the balls from them then tries to run away. You smile as they play with the girls. You think about how you're adding another one to the family and there will be another little one they could run around with. Mike picks up one of your daughters and gives her a raspberry on her neck as she giggles while still holding the ball. He goes to the basket and lifts her up so she could "score". You and Aaron's mother clap when she does and she starts clapping with you when Mike turns to you. You glance at your other daughter who is running around with Jamal. While you are watching your brothers play with the twins, you feel Aaron wrap his arms around your waist. It makes both of you happy to see your family running around together. Soon there will be another one running around.

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