Only You - MPJ

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You met Mike during his year at Mizzou. Couple of months after coming to Denver, some how you managed to land the job as the team's social media manager. You run all socials, post BTS videos or whatever else they have you do. Now that you get to work with him everyday, you've gotten much closer than you already were. Closer than before meaning you almost spent every waking moment with him. You start to feel as if there could be something more than just friends. The other guys can see it too. You're just hoping Mike feels the same way.

Recently there have been rumors that he has started seeing someone. It hurts that it could be true and you want it to be you. No one knows if it's true or not because there has not been any conformation or seen her. Gary and Jamal are your other best friends. They could tell you're having a hard time with it. You are hanging out with them on the court after practice, waiting for them to finish. You see Mike on the other side of the court, collecting his things. Before you could go over to him, his phone starts ringing and he answers. When he does, you see him smile and happily talk to whoever it is. You turn away to grab your bag because you're guessing the rumors are true. As you walk away, you see Mike slightly frown because you usually wait for him. You see Jamal and Gary sigh as you walk past them. You disappear down the hall before they or Mike could catch up with you. 

Usually you check your socials when you get home and post any content to the team's pages from the day. Tonight you didn't want to bother with that because you didn't want to see any conformation that the love of your life is in a relationship with someone else. You didn't want to accept the fact that you'll never be more than just a friend to him. Throughout the night, your phone kept blowing up with texts or missed calls from Mike, Jamal or Gary.

After what felt like the millionth time, you answered when you see Jamal call. Again. "If you're calling about wanting me to talk to him, it's not going to happen." You say.

"Y/N, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"No, I'm not okay! I'm in love with him and he's probably in a relationship with someone else. It should be me!" You slightly shout into the phone. 

"Listen, I'm really sorry. If it was me instead of him, I would choose you." 

Before you could say something, there was knock on the door. "Are you at the door? If you were coming over, you could have just waited to talk to me when you got here."

"I'm not at the door." Jamal tells you. There was another knock on the door.

"You might want to get that."

"It's probably just my neighbor. I'll talk to them later."

There was a third knock. "Y/N just go answer the door. It's important."

"How would you know?" You huff as you walk to the door. When you open the door, you see Mike standing there with flowers. 

"Hey." He says.

You forgot that Jamal was still on the phone. "Told you it was important."

You hang up without saying anything else and let Mike in, he puts the flowers on the table. "If you're here to tell me the rumors are true, you can leave. I don't want to know who she is." 

You start to turn away but you feel him grab your hand. He pulls you to him and makes you turn around. Before you could say anything, he cups your cheeks and his lips meet yours. You were kind of surprised and didn't want to start anything if he was in a relationship. If it was true you know you needed to stop this but your body said otherwise. You didn't pull away and his hands move to your waist to pull you closer. After a few more kisses, he pulls away and puts his forehead against yours. "It's only you." 

That's all you needed to hear. You knew that the rumors weren't true. You found out that he was talking to one of his older sisters and that she's coming to visit. "I love you, Y/N." Mike whispers. 

"I love you too." You didn't need to say anything else. He pulls you in for another kiss and he wraps his arms around you as he deepens the kiss.

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