Surprise - Donovan Mitchell

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You and Donovan have been dating since high school. You've been by his side through everything. Lately you haven't been feeling very good. You just thought you caught something but you called your best friend to bring you a pregnancy test just in case. Donovan was at practice so you didn't have to worry about him coming home yet.

It was the longest few minutes of your life waiting to find out if you're pregnant which it came back positive. You began getting scared but also excited. You spent the entire day trying to figure out how to tell your boyfriend. Practice ran late so he called letting you know he would be going out to get dinner with some of his teammates. After eating dinner and taking a shower, you walk out of the bathroom as you hear the garage door to the house shut. "Baby?" You hear Donovan call out. 

"I'm upstairs." You shout from the top of the stairs. A few seconds later, you hear footsteps coming up. You are standing in front of the closet mirror, fixing your hair into a ponytail. You feel him snake his arms around your waist. 

"How was your day?" He asks, giving you a kiss on your neck. It was pretty eventful. You found out that you're pregnant.

"Y/BFF/N came over and we gave ourselves pedis and manis." 

It was true but you didn't tell him the other part. "I'm going to shower." Donovan says, giving you a peck. While he was in the shower, you paced the room as you try to think how you should tell him. 

You were too lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear him walk out. "Babe?" 

You turn to him as he puts on a shirt. After your best friend left and before he got home, you ran to the store to buy a baby outfit. "What's wrong?"

He reaches down and grabs one of your hands. You reach over to the dresser and grabs the gift bag containing the outfit. You handed him the bag. He sits down on the edge of the bed to open the bag. 

He pulls out an Utah Jazz onsie and a few other basketball themed outfits. It takes him a few seconds to realize. He looks at you while still holding the clothes. You nod, smiling slightly getting teary eyed. He puts the clothes down and buries his face in his hands. You could tell he is getting a little emotional. Few seconds later he stands up, pulling you into a hug and burying his face in your neck. 

"I love you." Donovan says, a little teary eyed and presses his lips against yours.

"I love you too." 

He kneels down, lifting up your shirt and kisses your stomach. He stands up and grabs your hand, pulling you to the bed since you both are ready for bed. Once he is laying down, you lay down and snuggle against his chest. You haven't seen him this excited in awhile and you can't wait to start this new chapter with him.

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