Olympian - Jamal Murray

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You've been working your whole life to become an Olympian and that dream finally came true. You got into (swimming, track or something else) when you were a young child and you knew you wanted to be in the Olympics one day. The Canadian NBA player, Jamal Murray, happens to be your future husband. Both of you knew what you were getting into when you started dating because you are both athletes with crazy schedules. It some how worked out because you only play in the Summer Olympics so you can support Jamal during his season and he can support you since it's always during the offseason. 

You also happen to be Aaron Gordon's younger sister. You met Jamal when he was traded to Denver. Although he didn't like one of his teammates falling in love with you, your brother could see that he was the one for you. They've always supported you as you worked towards being an Olympian. They would go to any meet they could. You and Jamal also have a two year old daughter. Now that she is getting older she loves watching her parents and uncle play in both sports. Jamal would probably be playing for Team Canada if the men's basketball team made it but they didn't qualify. You kind of felt bad but you're happy he can be there to enjoy watching each of your events. If he was also an Olympian for Canada, he may miss a few. 

~when you qualified for the Olympics~

You look into the stands to see Aaron, your parents, Jamal's parents and Jamal who is holding your daughter. You had trials all week to see if you could make the Olympic team. There was one more. One more that could get you to the Olympics. You could see how nervous your family was. They knew you would be heartbroken if you didn't make it. You and the other athletes line up at the starting line. You take off when the buzzer sounds. You're used to hearing cheers so you've learned to block it out to focus. 

You could see the finish line and you knew you were ahead of most athletes. You only focused on finishing and not which place you're at. You didn't need to look into the stands at your family because you knew they were cheering. Once you finished, you turn around to look at the screen because you knew you had to be at least in the top three. A few seconds later, your time appeared on the screen and you finished first. You start cheering and another American came over to greet you because she also made the team. You glance at your family and they are cheering. You could see them getting emotional especially Jamal, your mother and Aaron. They all knew how hard you have been working for this moment. You take a few moments to let everything sink in as you are now an Olympian. After giving an interview, you gather your things and head to the stands as you see your family coming down the stairs. When you got to them, you were first greeted by Jamal as he pulls you into a kiss as he is holding your daughter. She starts clapping when she sees you so you take her from him then are greeted by Aaron and the rest of your family.

It's now your first event of many. You couldn't be more excited especially since Jamal, your daughter, your parents, Jamal's parents, Aaron and his girlfriend are all there to watch you. They are sitting in the first row in the stands so you walk over to them before getting ready for the event. You give a small smile to your family as you see them sitting in the first row of the stands. You head to your area to take a few minutes to finish getting ready. The buzzer goes off. You and all of the competitors take off. You, again, block out all of the cheers. Some of your events were already at the finals. Others were still prelims or semis. This one was a final so you're going for Gold. From the beginning you knew you set yourself up in a good position and at a steady pace. As you feel the finish line getting closer, you push yourself to go harder in case you had fallen behind. Once you reached the end, you turn around as the crowd cheers. It takes a few seconds but you look up to the screen to see that you won Gold! You start cheering and out of the corner of your eye you see Jamal, Aaron and the rest of your family jumping and/or cheering. You are greeted by the other two athletes who got Silver and Bronze. The person who was getting the most emotional was Jamal. After doing an interview, you head over to your family. Jamal leans over the railing to give you a kiss then you take your daughter from him to give her a kiss. Aaron comes to greet you and you hand your daughter back to Jamal. He pulls you into a hug and gives you a kiss on the head. You give Jamal another kiss before heading back to the waiting room to get ready for the medal ceremony. After some time, you are called out with the other two athletes. You all step on your spot on the platform. The three of you are handed your medals. The national anthem (USA) starts playing as the three flags are raised. 

You start feeling emotional as you just became a gold medalist in your first Olympics for your first finals. Again, you see Jamal, your parents and Aaron get slightly emotional. You knew he would be because you two are best friends and he's been by your side through everything as you grew up. After the ceremony, you head back to the Olympic village to celebrate with your family.

I don't know how much or when I will update again in the next couple of weeks. I've going through something at the moment. Since the Olympics just started, I got the idea for this while I was watching some of the sports.

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