Our Champ - Aaron Gordon

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You and Aaron have been dating since highschool. You couldnt be more happy to watch him live his dream. Being drafted by Orlando was the start of that. After being traded to Denver, you met some of your best friends. It's now the finals and you're nine months pregnant with your first. Only a few weeks until your due date. You and Aaron are hoping the baby does not come until after the finals. He wants you to be there to watch him.

You got a club level seats so you could have your seats with his family, Jamal's and Mike's. Both of them are your best friends so all of them are like family. The game was going back and forth. We should be up by a lot but we kept missing wide open shots, not getting fouls or getting fouls against us when there shouldn't be. There is three minutes left in the game. Everyone has been on their feet since about ten minute mark of the fourth quarter. 

The Heat passes the ball to Butler as he gets set up for a three in the corner right in front of our bench. Mike and Aaron double team him. The ball bounces off of the rim and he falls to the ground, kicking Aaron in the process. The ref calls a foul against Aaron before he falls.

The guys and fans immediately start shouting about the call and wanting to challenge it. Malone calls for the challenge. The arena erupts in boos as the replay is shown. Clearly it's a foul on Butler because he kicked Aaron. The refs take a few minutes to talk about it."

"That's not a defensive foul!" you shout as it's clearly on Butler. Others around you start complaining about it as the call stands and Aaron tries to state his case to the ref. 

After the free throws, the Heat get ready to inbound the ball. They throw it in and tries to shoot for a three as there is 10 seconds left. The arena erupts in cheers as the ball bounces off of the rim and KCP gets the ball. Our bench starts cheering as he takes it down the court and the Heat don't do anything as they know it's over. Our guys run onto the floor to celebrate as we just won our first championship. You exchange hugs with everyone around you. You start crying as you watch Aaron hug Jamal and Mike first.

You make your way down to the court. He gets even more emotional and is about to cry when he sees you. He wraps his arms around you. "You did it." You tell him. He presses his lips against yours as he places his hand on your belly.

"Your baby girl is proud of you." 

Aaron greets his family while Jamal and Mike give you hugs as they are your best friends. The guys make their way to the stage for the trophy presentation. Before Aaron goes, he gives you another kiss and puts his championship hat on your head. You get a little emotional as you watch them get the trophy. 

~a few days after the championship parade, in the hospital~

The last couple of days have been a whirl wind. You got to share the parade with Aaron and his family. Even though you loved being in Orlando, Denver is your home. You love everything about it. The city has the best fans in the world and you can see it everyday. 

It's been a crazy week because your baby girl decided to make her entrance a couple days after the parade. You have been in labor for forever. At least it feels like you. You started having contractions since last night and how it's almost been twenty four hours later. You start to get tired after you have been pushing for awhile.

"She's almost here. Just a few more." Aaron tells you as he is holding your hand. You squeeze his hand again as you push again. 

A few more pushes later, you hear a cry.  The nurse lays a blanket on your chest and lays baby girl on your chest. You start crying as you hold her. Aaron starts tearing up as he presses his lips against yours. 

The nurse takes her to get her dressed. "You did it baby." Aaron whispers and gives you another kiss. The doctor cleans you up and gets you comfortable again. A few minutes later, another nurse brings baby girl to Aaron. "Meet your baby." She says and he takes her from the nurse. 

You lay back as you watch him let a few tears fall as he looks down at his little girl. Without him knowing, you take a few pictures of them. You spend a few nights in the hospital before going home. While you were there, Mike and his girlfriend as well as Jamal and his girlfriend came to visit and meet their niece. Aaron's family also came. You FaceTimed other friends and your family since they are out of state.

When you got home, both of you posted pictures to your instas. 

aarongordon Been one hell of a week from winning a championship to becoming a dad. My baby girl is here, Briella Shea

(your isnta) Briella Shea, your daddy and I love you so much. You may not have been here for the championship game or parade but you made this week even better than it already was. Your daddy is our champ

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