Back Rubs - MPJ

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You and Michael have been dating for a few years now. Recently you moved in together. You would be lying if you said it was easy dating an athlete. You're happy you get watch him live his dream but it is hard having him be gone almost every other week, sometimes more. Today you were feeling horrible. You have really bad cramps.

They are so bad that you dont feel like doing anything. Mike left early for practice since it was an off day. You had thrown on one of his hoodies when you got up.

When he left you were watching Netflix on the couch. You see your phone light with a text from him.

My man
Baby, I'll be home soon. I'm bringing some food home for you.

Baby girl
Thank you. I love you.

About an hour later, you hear the garage door shut. By this time you had moved upstairs to the bedroom. "Baby?" You hear him call out.

He knew you would probably be upstairs so he brings up a plate of food after preparing it. When he walks into the room, you pause the episode you are watching. He could tell that you were still not feeling good so he places your food on the bed side table. He felt bad that there is only so much he could do.

You sit up to give him a kiss. Before you lay back down, he sits behind you and starts giving you a message. Once he was done, you move back and sit between his legs before leaning back against his chest. He wraps his arms around you. You knew one day you would be in this same position when you become pregnant. Not that it would happen anytime soon but you both know you will have a little one someday.

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