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May 10th, 1962
New York City

My feet dangle almost dead as I am seated upside down in the cold seat of my dads truck. I cant see or hear anything except the blaring lights of the ambulance that is miles away and the radio playing .


I look over at the drivers seat where my father sat just a minute ago, laughing and singing to the radio. Now I look at where he lies on the sidewalk next to what is left of our windshield. The neon lights of the local bowling ally about a block away from our apartment light up my fathers face in a very disturbing manner.

Buda- Bum-Bum-Bum

I look away from my father and to a car with a dent in it. A man in a business suit walks out of his car and goes over to my dad, checking his pulse. He has a shocked look on his face and backs away to look at our truck, he sees me and he comes running up to the truck.

I'm walkin, yes in deed

" ma'am the ambulance is on the way, are you ok?" The man said as he got over to our truck and all I could do was nod.

" ok well I am going to try to get you out is that ok" I nodded again.

*buffering radio noises until the radio glitches out *

The man got me unbuckled from my seatbelt. I fell to the roof of the vehicle on my head, it felt like I could just die right then and there. My vision soon became blurry and I probably would have passed out if the man didn't get me out of the truck.

He picked me up right as the ambulance stopped. The paramedics rolled out a stretcher and the man laid me on it. The paramedics hoisted me into the ambulance and started asking questions as I started to feel dizzy again.

" Ok honey, what is your name?" A blonde woman said to me in a soft yet rushed tone.

"  Casey -po-l"  my eyes became to heavy for my face and everything was spinning. All of the voices were getting faded out as I closed my eyes.

I think this is the end

I heard the beeping noises of the vital monitor first. Then I heard the sound of crying in the hallway. I opened my eyes to see the blonde woman I saw last, she was checking the machine . She turned to see me awake and out of a soft broken smile.

" your awake, are you ready to start those questions again?" She asked as she grabbed a clipboard and a glass of water for me.

" sure "
I said quietly

" okay, first of all what is your name and your age"

" Cassidy Palledorous, you can call me Casey, I'm 14, almost 15" she looked at me again with the same smile

" great, that's all we needed to know." She said and then walked out of the room.


It was hours later, and I was now in the waiting room with hopes of seeing my father. I didn't know where he was but it was hours just sitting in this waiting room with nothing to do. My body felt sore all over but mostly my torso. Being stuck in a upside down flipped over car being only held up buy a seatbelt does something to your waist.

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