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June 1st, 1962
Somerville, California

"Oh come on, you used to love Johnny B Goode " my dad said as we drove around New York City. The wind was flying through my hair and I heard the sounds of music on the streets.

We had just gotten back from my grandparents nursing home, on my dads side. We were headed for our favorite ice cream shop in Brooklyn. We at least go there once a week, it was our little tradition.

As we rushed down the streets, my dad was sing along to the radio and we were joking around. As we crossed the next street, right by the casino, I saw it. A car came crashing into our truck.

The truck flipped outer, with me in it. My dad flew out of the truck, and landed on the ground.

I woke up in the tree house, breathing heavy and with a single drip of sweat on my forehead. I've been having these nightmares since the car crash. I quickly felt myself going into panic mode. I quickly got out of my sleeping back and stood up, looking for a place to get out of the tree house.

I looked over and saw a ladder leading to the roof. I went over and started climbing up, I started to feel the breeze as I reached the top of the tree house. As I got on top of the roof, it started, my breathing started getting heavier and my heart-rate intensified. I started uncontrollably trembling and crying. I put my hands on my head and tried to calm myself down.

Why does this always have to happen at the worst times. I was finally starting to feel ok after weeks. I guess it was all to good to be true, of course it was, it always is. My chest started hurting and I was trying to hold in my screams. The pain was almost unbearable, I couldn't handle it, I needed something. I needed comfort or something to break but I just didn't have it.

I was hoping that I would survive this one without anyone below finding out. It was only getting worse, my heart and breathing rate was higher than I could imagine. I was shaking like crazy and tears were running down my face uncontrollably, but then I felt someone's hand wrap around my shoulder.

"Hey, it's all gonna be ok" a soothing voice said

"it's ok, it's ok, your gonna get through this, I promise.". It kept going on for a few minutes but then it started to calm down. I took my hands of my head and lied down on the slanted roof of the tree-house, exhausted. I was still breathing heavily but it was ending.

"Hey, look at me, it's over ok?" I looked up to see Benny. I got my heart rate down and sat up to look at him

"Hey, I'm sorry about this it's just, ugh I don't know" I said and then put my hand on my forehead out of embarrassment. He scooted up to me and looked at me with a sympathetic look

"it's nothing, my brother used to get them all the time" he sat next to me.

"No it's something, I can't thank you enough" I said looking at the side of his face, noticing his perfect jawline.

"Well then, your welcome.. uhm, what should I call you?" I looked at him

"well you can call me Casey" he nodded and looked down.

"Yankees?" He asked and I sat there confused, he looked up and saw my confusion "your bracelet, it has a Yankees charm." He said and I looked at it.

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