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May, 31st, 1962
Summerville, California

" Well here we are a little lady, Summerville, California" The man said well driving into a small town off of a bridge. I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my shirt and sat up in my seat. I looked around to see if there was going to be anything to do  in this town.

I saw a pool, it looked average, but I did notice all the little boys seemed to be looking at one particular life guard. I laughed to myself and looked to the other side and saw what looked like a very professional little league field. There were boys practicing and a blonde one saw me and winked. He's cute but the last thing I need at the moment is a boyfriend.

We drove until we got to a two story yellow house and parked.

" Well, I had a great time driving you here ma'am." The man said with a smile while he opened my door and helped me out.

" Thank you for driving me here Mr. DeNunez, it means a lot." I said back grabbing my bag out of the seat.

"Anything for Phils girl, it was my pleasure" he said back to me.

I headed up to the house and stepped up the wooden steps to the front porch before I heard him speak again after his car started.

" Oh, and Casey!" I whipped my body around to face the taxi

" If you see a boy named Kenny, tell him hi for me would ya?" I smiled

" of course, drive safe!". He waved off and pulled away.

I turned back around to the front of the door and was about to press the doorbell. I stopped myself before I did out of pure fear. What if Mike didn't like me? What if I was going to be alone for years in this new place. After I did this, my life would change forever, I would probably never be the sam-

My train of thought was cut off by the door being open quickly and me being pulled into the house. A small hand went over my mouth and got me behind a loveseat in the dark living room. I looked over to see a what looked like 13 /12 year old kid, he had a yellow stripped shirt on and dirty brown hair.

" If I take my hand off your mouth, you have to promise to be quiet, I don't want him to find me ok?" He whispered and I profusely shook my head yes. He let go and I stayed quiet and he sighed in relief.

" Oh!" He said " I should probably give you some context, I'm Alan" he held out his hand and I shook it

" Casey" I said back.

" Right! Your squints cousin!" I shook my head yes, I guess that's what they call him.

" That's me, is that who we are hiding from?" I said

" Yeah, yeah he is seeking, we always play when June is at work"  He said back. Then we saw the shadow of a small boy standing over us. We looked up and I saw him, my cousin

"Casey?" He said.

I stood up in front of him and he hugged me tightly. I guess he was a little excited to see me, I hugged him back and then I felt Alan put his hand on my shoulder .

" I think we'll make a great team Casey" Alan said, when I looked over at him I realized he wasn't as short as I thought, still shorter than me enough but.

" jeez your tall Alan, how old are you two?" I asked 

" Me and squints are both twelve but I turn 13 in October "

" Cool, do you guys wanna play again?"


We played hide and seek for what felt like forever and now we were watching baseball on the television. It was almost 6:30 and I was yet to meet my aunt. I don't have any clue what she would look like. Bob was 35 when they had squints so I would imagine she was near 40 or something like that.

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