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"Trust me Casey, they're really nice" squints said while we were walking up the sidewalk.

" I really hope so, are they all your age?" I asked

"Well most of them are 12, but Bertram, Benny, and DeNunez are 14"  he answered and I looked at him.

" Really? I thought that you would all be like 11 to 13 tops" I said

"Nope, smalls is actually the only one who is 11"

"Kids a square, I'm tellin' ya" he said to me as we turned a street corner.

" What do you mean by that" I asked

" Ok so when Benny hit the ball to him the first time, he just stood there and got himself a black eye" I laughed

" And then, when he got up, he picked up the ball and walked all the way and handed it to DeNunez!" I looked at him again with a shocked look

"Your joking, Now I don't play but at least I can throw" we both laughed.

" Oh! Here we are, the sandlot" he said as we turned again, this time onto a rusty, old, messed up baseball diamond.

" This is where you guys play ball , it's busted" I said

" yeah, I know it looks bad, but it's the best field in town" he defended. I looked around until I saw a pretty good sized tree house with a familiar 12 year old at the bottom of it.

"Hey Guys!" He yelled and waved at us, and then ran over to us.

" Your coming! I didn't know that!" He said " Yeah, it was the only way June would let squints go so of course I came" I said and squints smiled.

" Well if your coming, Then you have to hang out with me, deal?" He said and I laughed

" Sure, deal." I said back.

We got to the ladder of the tree house and yeah turned around.

" Ok so me and squints will go first and then you ok, just to kinda break the news" He said, which I respected 

"Ok I'm cool with that" I said and they headed up the wooden ladder. Yeah-Yeah sent me a sign to not come up yet so I just waited for them to call me up.

" Ok guys don't freak out ok, I know that we have never had one of these in our group before but please don't be mean to them ok." I heard squints say to the boys.

"Squints what in the hell are you talking about, is it a dog or something?"  I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.

" No! It is not a stupid dog, it's a person ok? And you guys better not be mean to them because there really nice ok?" Yeah-yeah snapped back and then opened up the hatch for me to climb in.

He reached out his boney little hand to help me up. I grabbed it and the boys in the tree house must've seen my bracelet because I heard gasping. From inside and it caught me off guard and I accidentally slipped from yeah-yeahs grip. I fell down about five feet from the top of the opening to the tree house.

" SHIT CASEY" yeah-yeah yelled before my head hit the ground and everything went blurry, just like after the accident, and then. Black.


" SHIT CASEY" I heard yeah-yeah yell and then I heard a thump on the ground. I got up and ran to the opening and jumped down to see a girl. A girl ? At the sandlot? What the hell where they thinking? I thought, but then realized she wasn't waking up.

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