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Serena Pov
"It's you!" Me and the guy named Goh said simultaneously. I couldn't believe it, he was also living here. Then I remembered that Mrs Ketchum told me that Ash works here as Research Assistant with some other guy. Goh must be the other guy she told me about. Then snapped me out of my thoughts ," Uhh...Hi Serena, wha...what brings you here." He said very nervously and blushing for some reason. "Hi Goh, nice to see you again. I actually came here to meet Ash, I believe he stays here, may I come in?" I replied. Suddenly his face expression changed from a nervous expression to a sad one as he said," Ya sure sure come on in." I was confused with his sudden change of emotion. I thought to myself,'Does he like me or something?' Then I realized, no that can't be it we only met once before amd besides I love Ash. Then suddenly realized that Ash and Goh live together. What if Goh told him about us meeting? What if Goh told him about the accidental kiss!? What if Ash hates me now!? But Goh snapped me out of my thoughts once again by saying," Follow me, Ash should still be dining room having Breakfast." I nodded and nervously followed him to the dining room and that's where I saw, the boy I loved, after all this time he looked the same.

Ash Pov
I was finishing up my breakfast when I heard Goh said,"Ash someone's here to see you." I turned around and saw her. Serena. I stared into those ocean blue eyes I missed so much as she stared back at me. Then I don't know what came over me but I suddenly got up from my chair and immediately hugged her. It took me a second to realize what I was doing. Once I did, I immediately turned as red as a tomato and pulled away. I could see she was also red. Then I finally said something," Serena! I missed you so much!" She recovered from the blush and looked at me and said,"Me too Ash, it's been so long." Then Pikachu got jumped into Serena's arms. I laughed and said," Looks like Pikachu missed you too." She laughed and embraced Pikachu and said," I missed you too Pikachu!" Then I looked behind Serena and saw Goh standing at the door fuming with jealously. Then I said," Well comm'n Serena, sit down. Let's some breakfast and catch up." And that's what we did, Serena sat down and had breakfast with me, goh and Pikachu. She told us about her adventures in Hoenn Region and we told her about our adventures as research assistants. Then soon after Chloe walked in and said," Hey Goh, Ash. It's time to feed your pokemons..." She stopped when she noticed Serena. I was going to introduce the two but Goh started talking first. "Hey Chloe, this is Serena. The girl I met at Cerulean City." Goh said while smiling." Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Serena" Serena introduced herself. Chloe put on a smile and introduced herself as well. However Goh and Serena didn't notice but I noticed that it was a fake smile but I decided to brush it off.  "I have a great idea, hey Serena. Why don't you help me and Ash feed our pokemon. It will be fun and you will be able to meet all our pokemon." Goh said enthusiastically. Then me, Serena, Pikachu, Goh and Chloe, made our way to Creise Park witb loads of pokemon food for all our pokemon.

Chloe Pov
Goh, Ash and Serena walked to toward Creise Park and I slowly followed behind them. They were talking about pokemon and stuff and felt out of place. Soon we entered Creise Park and were greeted by a huge number of hunger pokemon. "WOW, there are so many pokemon here." Said Serena. "Ya and they are all mine too." Goh  said with head held up high. I rolled my eyes, I never thought he would use his pokemon to try to impress a her. I looked at Ash and he looked jealous.......could he like her too? I thought. "And these are my pokemon. Comm'n out guys." Ash said as the threw five pokeballs in the sky and out came Gengar, Lucario, Dracovish, Dragonite and Sir Farfetch'd. Serena was as astonished,"WOW, you have such strong pokemon, and even a pseudo-legendary." She said while looking at Dragonite. "You be a even stronger trainer now, huh." She said. Ash said,"Yup, I am even ranked #99 in the World League Tournament." He said with his head held up high. I facepalmed, he was trying to impress her too so it was pretty much clear he liked her too......this could be a good thing for me, I thought. Then Dragonite suddenly just hugged Ash and Serena into an a tight hug such that they were all very close together. Then he let them go and I could see they both were a blushing mess. "Dragonite! We talked about this. You should warn people before you do that" Ash scolded Dragonite. I looked beside me and could clearly see Goh fuming with anger.But then all of a sudden.....he calmed down? He casually walked over to them and said,"Pseudo-legendary pokemon are cool and all, but you know what's better?" Serena looked at him with confusion and answered him,"No, what's better?" Goh looked toward the lake at the center of the park and shouted," A real legendary pokemon. Come out!, Suicune." Suicune!? I thought and then all of a sudden from the center of the lake came out the legendary pokemon Suicune and jumped over too us.

I was shocked and so was Serena

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I was shocked and so was Serena. I never even knew he caught one!? Serena was the first to say,"You caught a legendary pokemon!" Serena shouted. Goh replied," Impressive right." Goh said having a smug face. I looked at him and said," I didn't even know you caught it. Why didn't you tell me?" He replied," Oh I didn't? Sorry Chloe, I guess it just slipped my mind." I......felt kinda hurt. He indirectly said he completly forgot about me. But I didn't show any emotion. I looked behind me and saw this time, Ash was the one fuming with jealously, which made it clear to me that he likes Serena too.........I hope Serena chooses him.

Serena Pov
I was curious about Suicune as its not everyday you see a legendary pokemon, especially not a caught one. I was asking Goh questions about Suicune but then I saw Ash behind me and he looked......jealous? Was he jealous I was giving Goh attention and not him, I thought. NO WAY THAT MEANS ASH MIGHT LIKE ME BACK!!! I internally screamed. All of sudden, Goh got a message on his rottom phone. He read it looked at us and said," Hey guys, Professer Creise wants us to meet him in the lab once we are done feeding the pokemon." I asked," Who is Professer Creise." Ash replied," He is a famous proffecer in the Kanto Region. He owns this park and lab, I fact they are named after him. And he is also Chloe's dad."."Oh" I replied. "Ok guys let's go, we shouldn't keep him waiting." Chloe said. We nodded and made our way to the park.

Ash Pov
We walked in inside the lab saw the Professer. He noticed Serena and said,"Hi you must have been the person at the door. My name is Proffecer Cruise, nice to meet." Serena replied," Hi Professor Cruise, my name is Serena, I came here to meet Ash." Professer Creise said," Oh Serena, your the girl Goh saved the other day right." When he said that, I don't know why but I had this uneasy feeling. "Yup, Goh saved me from Team Rocket." She said and turned to Goh and smiled at him, which caused him to blush. This time I felt angry and I didn't even know why. I quickly tried to change the subject and asked the Professer," So why did you call us Professer
Creise?"."Oh ya, thanks for reminding me, Ash. I need you and Goh to go back to galar once again to study the sword and shield of Zacian and Zamazenta." Me and Goh nodded. But then Serena," Umm, excuse me Professer Creise but can I join them on their journey. I mean if you don't mind. I would love to visit Galar." Professer Creise smiled and said," Sure, why not. If fact....." He said then looked at Chloe," You should join them too Chloe." He said." Uh me? I don't know?" Chloe said. Then she thought about it and said," You know what. Sure I would love to join." She said. "Great, now you guys should hurry up to airport and catch the flight." We all nodded and left the lab and made our to the airport.

Author's Note
So I finally added Armourshipping moments, I hope you guys are proud of me. BTW When I said the kiss was important, I really meant. I am going to use it to make Ash jealous because if not Ash would think he is winning the whole love fight since Serena already kissed him in the Kalos region. Also I needed a way to ruin their Goh and Ash's friendship. If you don't understand its ok I will explain more details in the next chapter. Anyway, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a comment if you think I can improve at part. That's all, stay safe and take care. Bye 👋

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