The importance of having a godly friendship

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As we walk with God it really matters who we hang outs with, who the people we called friends, and are these people will affect the way we live as a daughters and sons of God? the Bible says "Walk with the wise and become wise for a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 12:30  Friends that respect and love God are wise people and they must likely to give good advices. 

The company you walk with can often determine the blessing you receive from God. So you need to choose the people you will make friends with. What type of friends do you have? Because in the Bible it says "Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good manners" 
1 Corinthians 15:33

True friends is based on Christ , so we should choose the friends who will encourage and brings us more closer to God. Having a Godly friends in this cruel world is amazing because as you face every life battles, you will help and learn from each other.

I pray that all of you can meet true friends just like me because I finally meet them. They are the kind of friends who will never leave you nor judge you, cheers you up, will care and love you as their own siblings and most of all helps you grow as a person. But we should put in our hearts that the only friend who will never be tired to love and forgive is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have a nice day Godly people and thank you for reading!

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