Why are you still single?

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Most of people ask me why I am still single. So personally left asking the Lord "Why?" Why, I haven't been in a relationship and why didn't I go through what others did?During our Bible study, God then revealed to me through this passage: "This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:3.It brings me a powerful message that encourages me to be patient with everything in my life, not only with my love life.

I know that with patience and obedience to the Lord, I will soon meet the one for me.I understand that Jesus wants me to live a life that is blameless. He is preventing me from doing things that I may later regret and blame myself for, which might lead me to lose myself in thoughts of shame and guilt.Because most of the time we people follow our emotions rather than following the Lord.

When we are unable to manage our emotions, they could mislead us. The words of Christ are like a sword that slashes the falsehoods of foes hidden beneath our sentiments, which is why we need Him in our hearts, so don't forget to pray and read the Bible. I'm not saying that our emotions are produced by evils; rather, they may be manipulated by evil to their advantage. Let me provide an example. In this day, everyone believes that anything is normal, so if you're in love, you can do whatever you want because "it's normal."

Most individuals nowadays give their entire existence to the person they love, which causes them to forfeit their purity and engage in sin. Then regret and humiliation torment them. However I'm not saying that everyone is like this, but my friends and family have really experienced it. In fact it actually happened, and I'm sure you've run into situations like this too, sometimes much worse than what I've described. As a result, the majority of individuals ended up dating the wrong person and experienced pain and betrayal. It's essential to have patience as well as preserve your purity.

The main idea is that Jesus wants us to live a life of righteousnes. He wants us to live without regrets and to spend all of eternity with him. Jesus cares about us so greatly that He gave His life to atone for our sins. 

So, being single and unmarried at this time does not make you any less of a person. Additionally, being married and in a relationship does not lessen your humanity. As gifts from God, both are. Being single helps you get ready for a wonderful future that God has planned. Since God authored our story, we should put our faith in Him.

Being married is a gift from God since it is the ideal representation of his love for us. Jesus is our bridegroom, and the church is the bride of Christ. Therefore, youths, despite difficulties and challenges, we should enjoy life. Jesus is with you!

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