When you're lost go back to Him

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" The Lord is good and does what is right; HE shows the proper path to those who go astray. HE leads the humble in what is right, teaching them HIS way."

                                                                   PSALM 25:8-9

In this passage I feel so comforted, because in this season I really need this comforting words from the Lord. I know I'm not alone in this because I have Jesus with me telling me to trust HIM and He will lead me to the right path which HE planned for me to go. Honestly this past few months I feel so lost, I feel like I lose my purpose and my self confidence is slowly fading. But I realized that God is with me why should I worry about anything so I go back to the Lord again and get up. God wants us to know that HE is always with us and whatever problems or hardships we encounter in life we should run to HIM and ask for help. Because in HIM we will never go astray, because we have purpose in this world. He created us with Purpose he will not let us walk alone He will lead our path because HE is our light. All we need to do is to wait and understand what HIS purpose in our lives. We may not understand it now but God will reveal HIS plans to us in the right time, when the moment that we are ready and strong enough to handle it.

Don't be afraid to go back to the Lord because HE will be happy to welcome you again, HE loves you and HE cares for you. Go back to HIM and HE will accept you. I assure you life with Jesus is worth it and Joyful. I can't guarantee you that it will be an easy path to take but trust me it will be full of love and joy where darkness can never enter, because God is protecting you.  Jesus Love you and everyone of us so cheer up and go back to the father who's waiting for you.

Have a Blessed Saturday everyone! 



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