What does your heart says?

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"Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly."

Proverbs 26:24-26

Not all of your friends and relatives who say they like and love you are telling the truth. They may say they love you, but they are not sincere. So it's critical to surround yourself with people that know God and are equally yoked as you. I'm not saying that everyone should avoid making friends with people of other faiths. What I'm trying to say is that you should be more cautious when opening your book to others. Choose someone you can confide in to share your life with. It's fine to socialize and have fun with others, but when it comes to important matters, you should first tell God before telling your trusted friends. We humans are sinful because not everyone in this world is kind and loving by nature. Only Jesus is the perfect man, born without sin and willing to die to atone for our transgressions.

Some friends may treat us well and say nice things about us, but they are doing evil things behind our backs. So it's vital to get to know the person, but don't pass judgment without evidence because only God knows what our true intentions are. If you have that type of friend, you can confront her about it and seek God's guidance. And if you are that kind of friend, ask God to forgive you for all your hatred and pain. You must also forgive that person and allow God to heal your heart.

We must remember to check our own hearts and allow God to examine them. Because sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, we develop hatred without realizing it, resulting in unsettled thoughts. People have different attitudes that may offend us without our awareness, but everything will be resolved when we confront each other and discuss it with God's guidance. Because we represent Jesus and His spirit dwells within us, we Christians are called to pursue peace and love.

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