A Nether Conversation

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[A/N:] Hey guys! Sorry for going MIA. Graduation was drawing close, and finals were finishing up. Stress was killing me, and there was a slight chance of failing both classes, which would suck since I needed to pass both to graduate or risk having to retake them again in the fall...


*insert Braveheart gif here*

So that means more story! For now... Once summer hits, I'll only be able to upload maybe once a month, and that's if I don't run out of pre-typed chapters. Anyways, hope you enjoy! This one is a filler that needs to happen, so sorry it's a wee bit short. But, enjoy!


I couldn't hide the relief and joy I felt seeing that avali head showing through the glass around his face. His eyes fall on my beaten body, and I try to give him a reassuring smile.

Apparently, that is not my forte.

Mobius walks over to me with a grim look on his face. He cautiously kneels, and the metal around his head seems to dissipate like... "Nano-tech?" His gaze meets mine, and a small smirk shows for a moment. "I'm still figuring it all out." His expression grows dark again, and I can't hold back a groan as a spasm of pain flows through my body. "We need to get you to safety. Can you stand?" I give a barely perceptible nod and reach out. I expect his suit to be burning hot still, but the smooth metal is cool against my skin, and I find myself letting out a small shiver. Aerogel I bet.

Just as I get on my feet, I feel the twinge in my heart again and lift my eyes. Thankfully, he wasn't attacking this time, but Entity 303 had just risen from the rubble he created in the basalt and netherrack. He was clutching his chest in agony and glaring daggers at the both of us. Mobius lets out a low growl, and I could see him baring his teeth... which were extremely sharp!

'Right, right. Tiny, fluffy space raptors.'

I shake my head, refocusing on the important details, like Entity's scythe. It wasn't as gleaming as before, nor did it seem as dangerous. His power seems to flow to his weapon... or from his weapon? I store the idea away, for now, feeling around with my ender-half.

'Reginald... can you hear me?'

'Faintly, but yes. I felt your distress, we are nearing your location.'



I slightly lean more against Mobius, causing the avali to look at me in worry. This was just fine, as I wanted to give Entity the idea that I was about to give in, and that we were truly trapped. I knew Mobius couldn't take him on his own, even with his new tech, and there was no way I could even think of holding my own in this state. He had caught us off guard and therefore had the upper hand. The table was set for his victory...

But I had one last card up my sleeve.

"You are just as pesky as your friend. Tell me, players, why do you protect him?"

My eyes widen at the question, completely unexpecting some banter to come from this thing. Mobius at first stays quiet but then growls out a reply.

"I'm not protecting him. I am protecting the one he is residing in, who just happens to be my close friend that I don't feel like parting with again any time soon."

I feel a small smile play on my lips, but I raise my eyes to meet Entity's gaze. He was watching me, cold and calculating.


'What is your plan, Aria?'

'Get a little closer. I... need an assist.'

'I... Understood. You'll know when I'm in position.'

Keeping a level gaze, I watch the white-cloaked being while choosing my words carefully. "If there was another way, then I would not be interfering with your plans-"

'Yes... Yes, you would.'

The voice is faint, but familiar, and stops me dead in my tracks. I try to regain myself quickly, but I can tell Entity has already noticed. His face cracks a grin, and he steps forward threateningly. "Go on, what did Herobrine tell you?" I hear the gears in Mobius' suit shift, meaning he must have turned to look at me, but I keep my glare on Entity 303.


'If he succeeds, he will delete this world... Making sure I can never return.'

My eyes widen, and Entity lets out a cackle that even makes Herobrine within me cringe. My grip tightens on Mobius' arm, and I feel the metal slightly give. "Aria... What did he just tell you?" I can barely make myself look to the avali, but Entity says it first. "If I kill her, and in essence kill Herobrine, my code will then erase this world... and all within it."

My blood boils. Rage threatens to resurface and take over. I can barely contain my vocals and keep them steady. "What about those trapped here? The players he dragged here?! Do you do nothing to help them-"

"I don't care what happens to you humans. I am designed with one purpose: Destroy the glitch known as Herobrine and make sure he can never return."

I can feel the fury starting to build, but a sudden jolt in my heart reminds me of my limit. I only had enough for one last move, and I couldn't waste it on a fruitless battle. I finally meet the eyes of the avali, surprised to see the rage within them as well. However, I could tell he knew what I was planning, and he gives a faint nod. Giving no reply, I return my gaze to Entity. His weapon was slightly glowing once more, and he was beginning to stand straighter. I knew he was buying time to regain strength...

But so was I.

"I won't let you win."

"What choice do you have? You cannot beat me."

I give him a small smirk, and this makes his smile falter. I straighten up, standing taller, but keeping one hand on Mobius. I hold my sword in my hand, feeling the reassuring hum of its power slightly thrumming against my palm. 'Just enough for one more before I'm spent...' I give a full smile, raising my sword straight up. I feel something stir within me, and my power spikes a bit higher.

"Never tell me the odds."

Suddenly, lightning strikes my sword, and the shockwave slams Entity back a few blocks. In the flash of light, I swiftly lock onto Reginald and teleport to his position. This apparently sparks lightning once again when we arrive, and I quickly look to see if Mobius was okay. His eyes were wide, and he shakes his head quickly. "Woo! Power boost! Energy output is at four hundred percent!" He turns to me, shaking his head once more. "Next time, warn me before supercharging me, okay?"

I slightly chuckle, feeling the world start to spin. "Yeah... but first I... need to... rest." My legs buckle beneath my weight, but cool thin arms snake their way underneath me, and I give in to the darkness that was coaxing me into it. 'I just need to rest...'

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