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[Aria's POV]

Before I know it, we are standing in a world that was flat and green. Nothing was around us and I knew immediately where we were.

Cave Game!

"You would be correct." I turn to Herobrine, and he slowly stands. He offers a hand, and I take it without thinking. He gently helps me to my feet, however, then turns and looks around. I could feel the joyful emotions flowing from him like waves. His face was soft and he held a small smile of remembrance. "This is the very first version of Minecraft, titled 'Cave Game' at the time. It was... a much simpler version." He turns his head to the right suddenly, as if feeling something touch him. I follow his gaze and gasp.

Notch, in his famous avatar, was standing in the game. Before him was what looked like an outline of a character. It matched the build of Notch's skin perfectly, and the game creator stretches out his hand. The simple outline does the same. As their blocky hands touch, the outline begins filling. At first, it seems like it will be the same, as the skin tone matches. Once it gets to the sleeves though, it turns cyan and jeans form on the legs. The face lacks a goatee and the eyes...

Are normal?

I can already see Herobrine nodding his head. "Don't be mistaken. That is, indeed, myself. My eyes were not always... implanted light bulbs." I can feel his gaze shift to me, and a smirk was on his face. I was trying not to laugh, but the small smile that shows betrays me. Letting out a defeated sigh, I watch them carefully. Notch seems to say a similar spiel to Herobrine as Flynn did to Clu.

"You will be called Herobrine. You are to help me make a place where everyone can show their creativity freely with little to no limits." Notch's voice was smoother than I anticipated, but Herobrine's voice catches me off guard as well. It sounded much, much younger than I thought. He almost mimics Notch, with a slight change in pitch.

"My name is Herobrine. I'm here to help make a world where people can show their creativity freely, with little to no limits."

I smile slightly, and the red in my peripherals is something I will treasure forever. I take the chance and let out a small snort. "I guess you hadn't hit puberty yet, huh?" I slightly turn, and I can see him trying to not be embarrassed and also be angry, but that just made it even more hilarious.

Herobrine was completely and utterly flustered!

I only shake my head and wave a hand. "Relax. I won't tell anyone about this." I quickly consider my words and smile. "Well, I won't tell them this part at least. See it as a... peace offering." When I meet his gaze again, I see the red start to leave his face and he gives another genuine smile. "Alright, I believe you on that." He then turns to face the scene again and waves an arm. Suddenly, everything seems to speed up as the world suddenly starts changing.

"It was... enjoyable creating the first mobs and objects. Making the trees was much more complicated than we thought, and the pig... well, you know how the first few turned out." The world slows until it stops at a scene in a plains biome. Notch and Herobrine are standing in front of a very, uh, tall pig. Notch is rubbing his chin in thought and Herobrine is looking at it with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Suddenly, Herobrine smirks then summons a command block from the ground. When his hand slaps it, the usual interface appears before him. Notch slowly walks over. "What did we do wrong?" He asks, but Herobrine slightly shushes him. The creator looks at his helper in curiosity. Fingers are flying over an invisible keyboard, and coding is popping up until he finally stops and gazes up at the deformed pig.

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