20: Namjoon & Yoongi

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We got home a little after 7pm. Even though the morning didn't pan out as nicely as we thought, the rest of the day was filled with fun and games. Jin had won me a pink llama, Hoseok had wasted all his dollars on that damned ring toss, and the 95' liners had eaten all the funnel cakes that they had ever desired. I had watched it all and had so much fun that I forgot I had to talk to Namjoon. I only remembered after taking a refreshing shower. I walked down the hallway in my fuzzy slipper and knocked on his door.

"Come in," I heard through the door. I opened it and saw a bunch of crumpled papers on the floor. Compared to the paper laid out of his desk, the papers on the floor weren't a big deal. I hopped onto his bed and leaned over to see what he was doing.

"Working on something?" I asked. He nodded.

"Just letting some emotions run," he said through his focused persona. A few minutes of silence passed. I bit my lip before taking the courage to address the issue at hand.

"Namjoon, I heard Jin talked to you this morning," I said softly. His hand stopped writing as he looked up at the wall in front of him. He sighed and took off his glasses before turning to me.

"If you came to talk about Jungkook, then just go, Sohyun," he said.

"Namjoon, he wants to apologize. He messaged me yesterday and Jin was there the whole time," I said.

"Sohyun, he hurt us. He hurt you. It's not something a simple 'sorry' will make up for," he said sternly.

"No one said he was just going to apologize like a jerk, Namjoon. I think he's realized what he's done, and I want him to stand by his actions," I snapped back.

"Please don't tell me that you're dragging your emotions into this," Namjoon groaned.

"I told Jungkook to amend things with Bangtan before me and him can talk about our relationship. I really don't want Bangtan to suffer just because of this matter," I said gently.

"Jungkook is a grown man, Sohyun! If he wanted to amend things, then he would be here right now trying to talk to us!" Namjoon yelled.

"Well how the hell is he supposed to talk if you've blocked him huh! At least I didn't block him, Namjoon! I had faith that he would apologize because Bangtan's bond is too strong!" I yelled back as I stood up. Namjoon looked at me with wide eyes. Obviously he wasn't expecting me to yell back at him as we argued.

"Sohyun, Jungkook burned our bridge. He's just someone else I've met in my life alright. If he wants to make amends, then he can say something after he signs the contract tomorrow," Namjoon said sternly as he glared at me.

"What the fuck, Namjoon. Have the years of family just get thrown out of the window?" I scoff. Namjoon glares at me.

"HE threw it out the window, Sohyun. Not me," Namjoon says through his gritted teeth. I scoff again.

This is exasperating.

"Kim Namjoon, you've got to be fuckin kidding me! Who is Jungkook to you!? He isn't just some employee that makes a mistake and then is tossed to the side. He's your bandmate, your brother, and your friend. If you can't get your head out of your ass to see that he wants to apologize, then consider losing me as a friend too," I said as I stomped out of his room.

"Sohyun, wait!" He yelled. I had already run into Jin's room though, and I locked the door. My heart was racing, aching, and just hurt. Jin looked up from his book with a worried look, which only increased when Namjoon knocked on the door.

"Sohyun!" Namjoon yelled from the other side of the door. Jin closed his book, and looked at me.

"Jin..." I said softly before I started crying. Jin tossed his book to the side and opened his arms as I ran to him and cried into his chest. He rubbed circles on my back and soothed me. Soon Namjoon stopped yelling, but Jin knew he was still on the other side of the door.

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