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"Ahh," I yawn and stretch my arms out rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Go to the bedroom and Vanessa's still asleep so I get ready for the day. I get in the shower, put on lotion, and threw on a red and black polo shirt with faded jeans, red and black futures shoes and a gold chain. I decide to put on a cup before waking up Vanessa because last time she kicked me I couldn't walk right for hours. I grab her pills and head to the cozy room that we used to share.

"Vanessa, get up honey were going to the mall," I whisper and lightly shake her. After an hour of punching, kicking, screaming, and reacquainting she starts to get ready.


After doing all of my hygiene I put on a black and red nike shirt saying "Just do it" with blue jeans and black and red nikes trying to copy John. I head downstairs and the wonderful aromas of the kitchen fill my nose. He cooked cheesy eggs, bacon, and heart shaped pancakes.

"I see you think it's funny to copy people's outfits," he jokes and smiles at me.

"Boy bye I have my own swag," I laugh and flip my hair.

"It okay V everyone wants to be like me," he cockily says while stroking his chin.

"Huh, whatever," I roll my eyes and head into the dining room. The table is beautifully set with two plates of food, orange juice, syrup, and silver wear. I sit down not waiting for John and dig in.

"Is it good?" he chuckles as I shove more into my mouth.

"Mmmhhmm," I mumble nodding my head with my mouth full of food. When we're done eating we head to the car to drive to the mall.


I turn on the radio to KS 107.5 and All of me by Jon Legend comes on.
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

"Cause all of me loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections give your all to me I'll give my all to you you're my end and my beginning even when I lose I'm winning cause I give you all of me and you give me all of you, oh," I sing to Vanessa with my eyes closed. She makes a face like she's hurting and covers her ears shaking her head.

"Whatever you know my singing's sexy," I joke winking at her.

"Sure," she chuckles and nods slowly. We glance at each other for a second at burst out laughing in unison. We wipe our tears until the laughter fades into a awkward silence and the only connection that happened between us was the occasional stare so I decide to turn the music up.

It's crazy how I can talk, bond, laugh, and smile with this complete stranger. It shows you that the love that we've "always had" is present. Unfortunately every time we start to bond it's followed by this heavy awkward silence that just hangs in the air for a while. I honestly have no idea how John has done this for 5 years because I doubt I'd have the strength to.
We walked to the mall and as soon as we walked in we were breaking necks making me blush from the attention. We went to Victoria's Secret where I bought some bras and panties. We also went to the Michal Kors store where John bought a watch and a suit and I bought a purse and tote. We went to the Luis Vuitton store and about 20 other stores before we were ready to leave with John paying for EVERTHING. Both of our hands were full of bags (mostly mine) when we left. On our way to the door three practically half-naked girls gave me a stank face. I wasn't fazed by it so I continued to walk until one of them decided to say,

"Wheen' chu' reeady' fo' uh' ree' woomn' , come to meh' (trying to say when you're ready for a real woman come to me." I snap my head back and stare the girl straight in the eye.

"He's obviously ready for a real woman because he's with one. He'll come to you when he wants a thirsty half dressed hoe who's desperate for a man. Unlike you I have self respect and don't go around putting my junk on display and I'm educated enough to say a proper sentence. Any man who comes to you is just looking for some one time booty because that's the kind of person your showing him you are. Now excuse you!" I boom going off on her. They all move out of the way and storm away with stank faces and hecka attitude.

"Wow! I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself," he playfully grins causing me to smile at the floor. He lifts my chin and captures my lips in a kiss but I push him away. Don't get me wrong, I like him and all but in my mind I just met him and he didn't even back me up over there.

"Sorry, too fast," he whispers and I nod looking at the floor. We go home and the rest of the night consists of more awkward silence.

Hey guys! I decided to change the couple to Ciara and Future because I can show y'all more than one picture *check chapter 2*. New Vanessa in bio. Vote comment and follow, love you all!

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