I walk down the cobbled streets, arm in arm with Onyx as we arrive in Hogsmede. There's a cold chill in the January air, but the sun shines down on us from above, adding a positive omen to our otherwise very strange atmosphere.
It's strange because it's only Onyx, Theo, Draco, and I.
Parkinson is going to Hogsmede with Daphne, trailing a ways behind us. And I'm glad, because after she called me a Mudblood again, I want nothing to do with her. I'm not even angry, really. I'm just done.
In fact, I no longer wear her gifted Slytherin ring.
And I don't wear the silver bracelet from Blaise, either.
Because Blaise took his off. So I took off mine. And I'm hoping it'll show Onyx that I have no intention of entertaining Zabini's crush.
He isn't with us, either. It seems he decided to forgo this Hogsmede trip, instead staying at the castle.
We're a silent foursome as we walk past the cottages on the edge of the village. I'm the only one who doesn't seem to be sulking. Theo keeps glaring over his shoulder at Parkinson, Onyx seems to be brooding over Blaise's absense, and well. . . Draco is Draco.
But I'm in a good mood. Because it's the first day of Draco and I's public friendship.
And he's asked me on a date.
"If you take me to Madam Puddifoot's, I'll strangle you," I had said this morning when he asked me in the common room, right before we departed.
"Mmm. I love a good asphyxiation," he retorted.
He vowed to take me to the Three Broomsticks for casual Butterbeer and maybe, if I'm lucky, discreet snogging in the back corner of the pub.
When we pass by the alleyway, Draco looks over at me, leaning forward to be seen behind Theodore. He smirks at me, glancing over at the alley where he once fingered me against a wall.
Damn him. I blush scarlet and nearly eat shit, tripping over a loose rock in the pavement.
"Oi!" Onyx says, but she's laughing at me, drawing me up by my arm. I fume, ignoring Draco and Theo's teasing and guffawing.
"Assholes," I grumble, mostly to Draco rather than to Theo.
"You'll miss me when I'm gone, Blackwood," Theo teases, smirking at me. Draco's shaking his head in utter amusement, eyes shining in the sunlight.
When we make it to the main stretch of shops and pubs, Onyx and Theo both seem keen to head right to Honeydukes, since it's always the first stop.
"Come along, you lot," Theo says, nodding his head towards the bustling store front.
Draco and I have trailed behind, giving each other these flirty smiles and looks of meaning, communicating without having to speak.
"You two go on," Draco says, his eyes not leaving mine.
I watch as Onyx takes Theo's arm and pulls him into the sweet shop, pulling his gaze reluctantly from Draco and I.
"That'll get them thinking, for sure," I say with a laugh as we continue side by side down the street.
Draco smiles rather shyly at me, slowing when we reach the Three Broomsticks. I go in ahead of him, and soon we're surrounded by other Hogwarts students and Hogsmede residents, all crowded inside the little pub.
"So this is what a date with Evangeline Blackwood is like," Draco says with a smirk when we've secured our Butterbeer and sat down at a table in the back.

Fuckboy {Draco Malfoy 18+}
Fanfiction"You want to know what I taste like?" I say, leaving my mouth slightly open. I can feel Malfoy's breath on my lips. He doesn't answer, but his breath hitches as he looks down. "You really want to know?" "Just do it," Malfoy barks. "So I can have som...