"Alrigh' Evangeline?"
I look up from digging in the wet earth, rubbing the back of my dirt-covered hand on my forehead. I'm sweating, even when it's only early March and the temperature is still cool and refreshing.
"I'm brilliant, Hagrid," I say, giving him a smile.
"Why don' you jus' use yer wand?" Hagrid asks, tossing down a heaping armfull of chopped wood.
"More fun this way," I say panting, shoving the tip of my shovel into the ground.
We're building a new watering hole for the Thestrals and for the first time in two weeks, I feel like I can breathe. Delving this far into the Forest is rejuvenating and the digging gives me an opportunity to focus on the task at hand, not letting my thoughts wander off towards the unsavory.
"Aguamenti," I say, about an hour later, and the hole I dug is filled with chrystal clear water.
"Well done," Hagrid comments, and I beam at him. I can't actually see the Thestrals, but hopefully they'll like their new watering hole. It's hard to tell with them, though.
Early spring has officially set in, and there's only a slight chill when I walk back up to the castle. The fresh air does me good, I think.
But the second I step inside the castle, inside the stifling walls that have recently felt entirely too prison-like, my mind wanders as it always tends to do.
I haven't seen Draco, not once, for another entire week.
He hasn't come downstairs from his dormitory, I suppose. He doesn't eat with us, he doesn't pass me in the halls. But I guess he's been going to his other classes, skipping only DADA so as not to come near me, because Theo comments on his classroom behavior that night when the four of us are sitting by the fire in the common room, doing homework.
"Did you see Draco in Potions today, Zabini? I think there's something wrong with him," Theo says to Blaise.
"Obviously," Onyx says, and she casts me a look. Ever since Draco started acting all reclusive, she's convinced that our sorrows are related.
She's not wrong, of course.
"I mean, you should see what he's been doing up there in our room-" Theo starts, looking directly at me.
"Stuff it, Nott," Blaise threatens.
"What's he been doing?" I ask casually, not even looking up from my essay.
"He's been-"
"Theodore, I said stop," Blaise seethes, and when I meet his eyes. . .
Zabini glares at me.
I snap my eyes back down.
I don't really want to know what Draco's been doing, how he's been coping.
But when Theodore proclaims that he's going up to go check on Draco, Blaise corners me as I'm standing up.
I was looking to follow Onyx, to go to my dormitory and turn in for bed, but Blaise derails this plan.
"We need to talk," Blaise says menacingly.
"About?" I ask, acting uninterested.
"You know bloody well what it's about. Come with me."
I start to get nervous, the telltale Zabini death stare eating me alive.
"No, Blaise," I hiss.
He grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards the portait hole.
"Zabini!" I whisper scream, resisting it. I try to plant my feet, but he's pulling me so relentlessly. "Blaise, fuck off!"

Fuckboy {Draco Malfoy 18+}
Fanfic"You want to know what I taste like?" I say, leaving my mouth slightly open. I can feel Malfoy's breath on my lips. He doesn't answer, but his breath hitches as he looks down. "You really want to know?" "Just do it," Malfoy barks. "So I can have som...