"Fuck you, what's wrong?" I ask the next day, sprinting to keep up with Draco as he walks to his next class.
"Not in the mood," he snaps, not even looking over at me.
When I left the Gryffindor party last night, only a moment or two after I saw him, staring at Fred and I as we danced, he wasn't there when I stepped out into the corridor. He had dissappeared and rushed off to bed. And this morning, he wasn't at breakfast. So now is the first moment I've gotten to speak to him, and he's fucking furious.
"I know this is about Fred, Draco. Could you. . . SLOW DOWN, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!" I exclaim. It's lucky that the corridor is empty, because I could not control that outburst.
He doesn't slow down.
"Damn right it's about Weaslebee, he touched what's mine," Draco growls hurriedly as he powerwalks. He continues raging as we fly down a flight of stairs. "I don't fucking share. And you never should have gone to that stupid fucking party. I've been going mad for the past two days because I haven't had you, and I haven't been able to sleep next to you or with you, and that fucking piece of scum fucking touched you! And now?! You're in deep fucking shit!!"
"He's my friend!" I exclaim, starting to lag behind Draco. We're taking off down another corridor and I'm panting from the exhersion. "He's been my friend for years, Draco!"
"Great! Brilliant! GOOD FOR HIM!" Draco yells. "I saw him grab you on the dance floor, Evan, what the fuck was that?!"
"Seamus was grinding on me and Fred pulled me away, stop being so goddamn possessive!" I screech.
"I don't want you speaking to him," Draco says under his breath, strutting powerfully down the corridor. If he weren't pissed at me, I'd tell him he looked fucking hot right now. But his words infuriate me to no end.
I'm cut off when Draco turns, not even slowing down, grips both of my shoulders, and barrels us both through a door.
I'm sputtering in rage, cursing at him for shoving me into a random boys lavatory. Luckily, it's empty.
And he whips his wand at the door, locking it.
He rages out at me in the middle of my rampage, stomping up to me.
"Shut the fuck up," he hisses through gritted teeth, then he yanks me into his mouth by my throat.
"Mmm!" I exclaim, resistant at first. But god, it's been two days since I last had him and I'm fucking ravenous.
"You want to flirt with a Weasley?" he hisses on my mouth, pushing me back until my back hits the sink counter. "I'm gonna show you who you fucking belong to!"
His kisses are harsh and angry, and he's shoving his face into mine and grappling for the back of my thighs.
"Dr-" I try, but he bites down on my bottom lip. "OW!" Then he grips the back of my thighs and completely throws me off balance, catches me before I stumble, lifts me up, and deposits me angrily ontop of the counter.
He whips open my school robes, and the plaid skirt I'm wearing underneath is doing nothing to protect me.
"I wasn't flirting," I snap, but I'm breathless, watching him as he takes the waistband of my panties and yanks them down.
"No?" Draco growls as my panties fall off my ankles.
"No, I wasn't!' I exclaim. "I thought you fucking trusted me!"

Fuckboy {Draco Malfoy 18+}
Fanfiction"You want to know what I taste like?" I say, leaving my mouth slightly open. I can feel Malfoy's breath on my lips. He doesn't answer, but his breath hitches as he looks down. "You really want to know?" "Just do it," Malfoy barks. "So I can have som...